Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia

Produção Técnico-Científica

Última modificação em 23/05/2024.

Relação das publicações técnico-científicas do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia, conforme consta no Datacapes, nos últimos 10 anos.

  • 1.REIS, L. DOS ; RITTER, C. E. T. ; FONTANA, R. C. ; Camassola, M. ; DILLON, A. J. P. . STATISTICAL OPTIMIZATION OF MINERAL SALT AND UREA CONCENTRATION FOR CELLULASE AND XYLANASE PRODUCTION BY Penicillium echinulatum IN SUBMERGED FERMENTATION. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Impresso), v. 32, p. 13-22, 2015.
  • 2.SCHOLL, ANGÉLICA LUISI ; MENEGOL, DAIANE ; PITARELO, ANA PAULA ; FONTANA, ROSELEI CLAUDETE ; FILHO, ARION ZANDONÁ ; RAMOS, Luiz Pereira ; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro ; CAMASSOLA, Marli . Ethanol production from sugars obtained during enzymatic hydrolysis of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.) pretreated by steam explosion. Bioresource Technology, v. 70, p. 280-291, 2015.
  • 3.SCHOLL, ANGÉLICA LUISI ; MENEGOL, DAIANE ; PITARELO, ANA PAULA ; FONTANA, ROSELEI CLAUDETE ; FILHO, ARION ZANDONÁ ; RAMOS, Luiz Pereira ; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro ; CAMASSOLA, Marli . Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) pretreated via steam explosion as a carbon source for cellulases and xylanases in submerged cultivation. Industrial Crops and Products (Print), v. 70, p. 280-291, 2015.
  • 4.GONZÁLEZ, JEANETH T. CORREDOR ; DILLON, ALDO J. PINHEIRO ; PÉREZ-PÉREZ, ALY R. ; FONTANA, R. ; BERGMANN, CARLOS PÉREZ . Enzymatic surface modification of sisal fibers (Agave Sisalana) by Penicillium echinulatum cellulases. Fibers and Polymers, v. 16, p. 2112-2120, 2015.
  • 5.ELLWANGER, JOEL HENRIQUE ; MOLZ, PATRÍCIA ; DALLEMOLE, DANIELI ROSANE ; PEREIRA DOS SANTOS, ARIANA ; MÜLLER, TALISE ELLWANGER ; CAPPELLETTI, LUCAS ; GONÇALVES DA SILVA, MANOELA ; Rech Franke, Silvia Isabel ; PRÁ, Daniel ; PÊGAS HENRIQUES, JOÃO ANTONIO . Selenium reduces bradykinesia and DNA damage in a rat model of Parkinson's disease. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.), v. 31, p. 359-365, 2015.
  • 6.Rocca CJ ; SOARES, Daniele Grazziotin ; H, Bouzid ; Henriques, J. A. P. ; larsen, anette k. ; ESCARGUEIL, A . BRCA2 is needed for both repair and cell cycle arrest in mammalian cells exposed to S23906, an anticancer monofunctional DNA binder.. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Online), v. 3, p. 2080-2090, 2015.
  • 7.JORGE, PATRÍCIA M. ; de Oliveira, Iuri M. ; FILIPPI CHIELA, EDUARDO C. ; VIAU, CASSIANA M. ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; HORN, FABIANA ; Rosa, Renato M. ; Guecheva, Temenouga N. ; PÊGAS HENRIQUES, JOÃO A. . Diphenyl Ditelluride-Induced Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis: A Relation with Topoisomerase I Inhibition. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (Print), v. 116, p. 273-280, 2015.
  • 8.DA SILVA, ANDRÉA LÚCIA GONÇALVES ; BRESCIANI, MARIBEL JOSIMARA ; KARNOPP, THAÍS EVELYN ; WEBER, AUGUSTO FERREIRA ; ELLWANGER, JOEL HENRIQUE ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas ; VALIM, ANDRÉIA ROSANE DE MOURA ; POSSUELO, LIA GONÇALVES . DNA damage and cellular abnormalities in tuberculosis, lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. MULTIDISCIP RESP MED, v. 10, p. 38, 2015.
  • 9.GEMELLI, TIAGO FARRET ; PRADO, LISMARE DA SILVA ; SANTOS, FRANCIELE SOUZA ; DE SOUZA, ANA PAULA ; Guecheva, Temenouga Nikolova ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas ; FERRAZ, ALEXANDRE DE BARROS FALCÃO ; CORRÊA, DIONE SILVA ; DIHL, RAFAEL RODRIGUES ; PICADA, Jaqueline Nascimento . Evaluation of Safety of Arrabidaea chica Verlot (Bignoniaceae), a Plant with Healing Properties. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A, v. 78, p. 1170-1180, 2015.
  • 10.GONÇALVES, TATIANA SIQUEIRA ; Menezes, Luciane Macedo de ; Trindade, Cristiano ; Thomas, Philip ; FENECHC, MICHAEL ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas . In vivo evaluation of the genotoxic effects of Hyrax auxiliary orthodontic appliances containing silver-soldered joints. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 791, p. 25-29, 2015.
  • 11.FURTADO-FILHO, ORLANDO V. ; BORBA, JULIANA B. ; MARASCHIN, TATIANA ; SOUZA, LARISSA M. ; Henriques, João A. P. ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ C. F. ; SAFFI, Jenifer . Effects of chronic exposure to 950 MHz ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on reactive oxygen species metabolism in the right and left cerebral cortex of young rats of different ages. International Journal of Radiation Biology (Print), v. 91, p. 1-7, 2015.
  • 12.TRINDADE, C. ; JUCHEM, A. L. M. ; DE ALBUQUERQUE, N. R. M. ; DE OLIVEIRA, I. M. ; Rosa, R. M. ; GUECHEVA, T. N. ; SAFFI, J. ; Henriques, J. A. P. . Antigenotoxic and antimutagenic effects of diphenyl ditelluride against several known mutagens in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts. Mutagenesis, v. 30, p. 799-809, 2015.
  • 13.SCHNEIDER, A. L. S. ; Bertelli, P.B. ; BARRETO, M. L. ; ABREU, N. V. ; Agostini, F. ; SCHWAMBACH, J. . Caracterização química e atvidade biológica de extratos aquosos de Brunfelsia cuneifolia J.A. Schmidt (Solanaceae). Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 2015.
  • 14.Zorzi, E. ; Pansera, M. ; Pauletti, G.F. ; Moura, S. ; Ribeiro, R.T.S. ; SCHWAMBACH, J. . In vitro antifungal activity of four chemotypes of Lippia alba (Verbenaceae) essential oils against Alternaria solani (Pleosporeaceae) isolates. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Online), 2015.
  • 15.CHASSOT, J. M. ; RIBAS, D. ; SILVEIRA, E. F. ; GRUNSPAN, L. D. ; PIRES, C. C. ; FARAGO, P. V. ; BRAGANHOL, E. ; TASSO, L. ; CRUZ, L. . Beclomethasone Dipropionate-Loaded Polymeric Nanocapsules: Development, In Vitro Cytotoxicity, and In Vivo Evaluation of Acute Lung Injury. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Print), v. 15, p. 855-864, 2015.
  • 16.LAUREANO, J. V. ; BARRETO, F. ; GNOATTO, S. ; TASSO, L. ; DALLACOSTA, T. ; ARAUJO, B. V. . Development and validation of a bioanalytical method by LC-MS/MS for the quantification of the LAFIS 10 - an antimalarial candidate - and its pharmacokinetics first evaluation. Biomedical Chromatography, v. 29, p. 664-670, 2015.
  • 17.KELLERMANN, F ; Kaiser, Moacir ; TASSO, L. ; DALLACOSTA, T. . Fast and sensitive RP-HPLC-fluorescence method for the quantitative analysis of moxifloxacin in rat plasma and its application to a preclinical pharmacokinetic study. Acta Chromatographica, v. x, p. x-x, 2015.
  • 18.FERREIRA, L. M. ; CERVI, V. F. ; PEGORARO, N. S. ; BARBIERI, A. V. ; ALANO, G. ; GIRONDI, N. G. ; PIRES, C. C. ; FRITZEN, L. M. ; TASSO, L. ; CRUZ, L. . Pentamidine-loaded poly(e-caprolactone) nanoparticles show low acute lung toxicity in vivo. Acta Farmacéutica Bonaerense, v. 34, p. 1039-1042, 2015.
  • 19.CHASSOT, J. M. ; FERREIRA, L. M. ; GOMES, F. P. ; CRUZ, L. ; TASSO, L. . Stability-indicating RP-HPLC method for the determination of beclomethasone dipropionate in nanocapsule suspensions. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015.
  • 20.SANTOS, PAULO ROBERTO DOS ; ELY, MARIANA ROESCH ; DUMAS, FRANÇOISE ; MOURA, SIDNEI . Synthesis, structural characterization and previous cytotoxicity assay of Zn(II) complex containing 1,10-phenanthroline and 2,2-bipyridine with Valproic acid. Polyhedron, v. 1, p. 1, 2015.
  • 21.PAESI, S. O. ; MODENA, N. ; ROESCH-ELY, M. . Detection of rotavirus and norovirus in the elderly population of Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from 2010 to 2012. Scientia Medica (PUCRS. Impresso), v. 25, p. 1-13, 2015.
  • 22.WISINTAINER, G. G. N. S. ; SCOLA, G. ; MOURA, S. ; LEMOS, T. L. G. ; PESSOA, C. ; MORAES, M. O. ; SOUZA, L. G. S. ; Roesch-Ely, M ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . O-naphthoquinone isolated from Capraria biflora L. induces selective cytotoxicity in tumor cell lines. Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 14, p. 17472-17481, 2015.
  • 23.POSSAN, A.L. ; MENTI, C. ; BELTRAMI, M. ; SANTOS, A.D. ; ROESCH-ELY, M. ; MISSELL, F.P. . Effect of surface roughness on performance of magnetoelastic biosensors for the detection of Escherichia coli. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems (Print), v. 58, p. 541-547, 2015.
  • 24.GIRARDELLO, FRANCINE ; CUSTÓDIO LEITE, CAMILA ; VIANNA VILLELA, IZABEL ; DA SILVA MACHADO, MIRIANA ; LUIZ MENDES JUCHEM, ANDRÉ ; Roesch-Ely, Mariana ; NEVES FERNANDES, ANDREIA ; SALVADOR, MIRIAN ; ANTONIO PÊGAS HENRIQUES, JOÃO . Titanium dioxide nanoparticles induce genotoxicity but not mutagenicity in golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei. Aquatic Toxicology, v. 1, p. 1, 2015.
  • 25.SCHOLL, ANGÉLICA LUISI ; MENEGOL, DAIANE ; PITARELO, ANA PAULA ; FONTANA, ROSELEI CLAUDETE ; FILHO, ARION ZANDONÁ ; RAMOS, Luiz Pereira ; DILLON, Aldo José Pinheiro ; Camassola, Marli . Elephant grass pretreated by steam explosion for inducing secretion of cellulases and xylanases by Penicillium echinulatum S1M29 solid-state cultivation. Industrial Crops and Products (Print), v. 77, p. 97-107, 2015.
  • 26.SANDRI, Ivana Greice ; FONTANA, Roselei Claudete ; Moura da Silveira, Mauricio . Influence of pH and temperature on the production of polygalacturonases by Aspergillus fumigatus. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie / Food Science + Technology, v. 61, p. 430-436, 2015.
  • 27.POLETTO, P. ; BORSOI, C. ; ZENI, Mára ; SILVEIRA, M. M. . Downstream processing of pectinase produced by Aspergillus niger in solid state cultivation and its application to fruit juices clarification. Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos (Online), v. 35, p. 391-397, 2015.
  • 28.POLETTO, PATRÍCIA ; RENOSTO, DANUZA DA ROCHA ; BALDASSO, CAMILA ; ZENI, MARA ; Silveira, Mauricio Moura da . Activated charcoal and microfiltration as pretreatment before ultrafiltration of pectinases produced by Aspergillus niger in solid-state cultivation. Separation and Purification Technology (Print), v. 151, p. 102-107, 2015.
  • 29.CALLONI, C. ; Dall Agnol, Rafaela ; MARTINEZ, L. S. ; MARCON, F. S. ; MOURA, S. ; SALVADOR, M. . Jaboticaba (Plinia trunciflora (O. Berg) Kausel) fruit reduces oxidative stress in human fibroblasts cells (MRC-5). Food Research International, p. 15-22, 2015. Citações:1
  • 30.Branco, Cátia S. ; LIMA, E. D. ; RODRIGUES, T. S. ; SCHEFFEL, T. B. ; Scola, Gustavo ; LAURINO, C. C. ; MOURA, S. ; Salvador, Mirian . Mitochondria and redox homeostasis as chemotherapeutic targets of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze in human larynx HEp-2 cancer cells. Chemico-Biological Interactions (Print), v. 231, p. 108-118, 2015.
  • 31.MACHADO, F. S. ; KUO, J. ; ONGARATTI, B. R. ; MEDEIROS, N. S. ; Salvador, Mirian ; DANI, Caroline ; FUNCHAL, C. . Antioxidant and neuroprotective potential of extract of Brazilian pine Araucaria angustifolia bracts against oxidative stress induced by sodium azide in hippocampus of rats. Integrative Pharmacology, Toxicology and Genotoxicology, v. 1, p. 16-20, 2015.
  • 32.COITINHO, A.S. ; Costa, B ; DOS SANTOS, MAITÊ T. ; FANK, BRUNA ; HACKMANN, C. L. ; SALVADOR, M. ; DANI, CAROLINE . Vitis labrusca leaf extract prevents pentylenetetrazol-induced oxidative damage but not seizures in rats. Cellular and Molecular Biology (Online), v. 61, p. 39-42, 2015.
  • 33.Branco, Cátia dos Santos ; RODRIGUES, T. S. ; LIMA, E. D. ; Salvador, Mirian . Polyphenols-rich extract from Araucaria angustifolia: differential mechanisms on cancer and normal cells. Cancer Cell & Microenvironment, p. 1-5, 2015.
  • 34.KAHL, VÍVIAN FRANCÍLIA SILVA ; SIMON, DANIEL ; Salvador, Mirian ; Branco, Cátia dos Santos ; DIAS, JOHNNY FERRAZ ; Da Silva, Fernanda Rabaioli ; DE SOUZA, CLAUDIA TELLES ; Da Silva, Juliana . Telomere measurement in individuals occupationally exposed to pesticide mixtures in tobacco fields. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis (Print), v. x, p. n/a-n/a, 2015.
  • 35.SILVA, J. ; SILVA, F. R. ; SILVA, G. F. ; SALVADOR, M. ; Kvitko, K ; Rohr, P ; SANTOS, C. E. I. ; F.DIAS, J. ; HENRIQUES, J A P ; SILVA, J. . Investigation of potential biomarkers for the early diagnosis of cellular stability after the exposure of agricultural workers to pesticides. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso), 2015.
  • 36.GARCIA, CHARLENE SILVESTRIN CELI ; CALLONI, C. ; Branco, Cátia ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pegas ; Salvador, Mirian ; ROESCH-ELY, MARIANA . Pharmacological perspectives from Brazilian Salvia officinalis (Lamiaceae): antioxidant, and antitumor activities in mammalian cells. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso), 2015.
  • 37.RECH-CAINELLI, VANIA ; MONTEIRO DE BARROS, NEIVA ; GARCIA-GIANNI, STEFFANI ; SBEGHEN-LOSS, ANA CAROLINA ; Heinzen, Horacio ; RUIZ DÍAZ, ALEJANDRO ; MIGUES, IGNACIO ; SPECHT, Alexandre ; CESIO, MARÍA VERÓNICA . Antifeedant and Repellent Effects of Neotropical Solanum Extracts on Drywood Termites, (Cryptotermes brevis Walker, Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). Sociobiology, v. 62, p. 82-87, 2015.
  • 38.FORMENTINI, A. C. ; SOSA-GOMEZ, D. R. ; PAULA-MORAES, S. V. ; BARROS, N. M. ; SPECHT, A. . Lepidoptera (Insecta) associated with soybean in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. Ciência Rural, v. 45, p. 2113-2120, 2015.
  • 39.MONTEZANO, D G ; SOSA-GÓMEZ, D R ; PAULA-MORAES, S V ; ROQUE-SPECHT, V F ; FRONZA, E ; BARROS, N M ; SPECHT, A . Immature Development of Spodoptera dolichos (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Neotropical Entomology (Impresso), v. 44, p. 1-6, 2015.
  • 40.MONTEZANO, D G ; SOSA-GÓMEZ, D R ; PAULA-MORAES, S V ; ROQUE-SPECHT, V F ; FRONZA, E ; BARROS, N M ; SPECHT, A . Biotic potential and reproductive parameters of Spodoptera dolichos (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the laboratory. Zoologia (Curitiba. Online), v. 32, p. 485-491, 2015.
  • 41.BERNARDI, P. M. ; de Avila e Silva, Scheila . O uso do Facebook como ferramenta para o compartilhamento de atividades pedagógicas: uma experiência em uma escola pública de educação infantil. AtoZ: novas práticas em informação e conhecimento, v. 4, p. 108-112, 2015.
  • 42.GASPARIN, A. ; Echeverrigaray, S. ; CARRAU-BONOMI, J. ; DUTRA, S. V. ; SPINELLI, F. R. ; VANDERLINDE, R. . A levedura e o caráter foxado do vinho tinto de mesa da variedade Bordô. Revista Brasileira de Viticultura e Enologia, v. 7, p. 62-67, 2015.
  • 43.FRANCO, MÁRCIA S. F. ; CASAGRANDE, GLEISON A. ; RAMINELLI, CRISTIANO ; Sidnei Moura ; Rossatto, Marcelo ; Quina, Frank H. ; Pereira, Claudio M. P. ; FLORES, A. F. C. ; Pizzuti, Lucas . Ultrasound-Promoted Environmentally Friendly Synthesis of 5-(3,3,3-Trifluoro-2-oxopropylidene)pyrrolidin-2-ones. Synthetic Communications, v. 45, p. 702-711, 2015.
  • 44.M. LAIKOWSKI, MANUELA ; M. DE SOUZA, DEBORA ; Moura, Sidnei . Genus Salacia: Chemical Composition, Antidiabetic Effect and other Bioactivities. The Natural Products Journal, v. 5, p. 220-235, 2015.
  • 46.SCHAFER, A.S. ; LEAL, M.L.R. ; MOLENTO, M.B. ; AIRES, A.R. ; DUARTE, M.M.M.F. ; CARVALHO, F.B. ; TONIN, A.A. ; SCHMIDT, L. ; FLORES, E.M.M. ; FRANÇA, R.T. ; GRANDO, T.H. ; MINHO, A.P. ; Krause, A. ; ANTONIAZZI, A.Q. ; LOPES, S.T.A. . Immune response of lambs experimentally infected with Haemonchus contortus and parenterally treated with a combination of zinc and copper. Small Ruminant Research, v. 123, p. 183-188, 2015.
  • 47.BALDISSERA, MATHEUS D. ; CARMO, G. ; VAUCHER, R. ; RECH, V. ; OLIVEIRA, C. ; SAGRILLO, M. ; BOLIGON, A. ; ATAYADE, M. ; ALVES, M. ; França, Raqueli Teresinha ; LOPES, S.T.A. ; SCHWERTZ, C. ; MENDES, R. ; MONTEIRO, S. G. ; DA SILVA, A. S. . Effect of the treatment with Achyrocline satureioides (free and nanocapsules essential oil) and diminazene aceturate on hematological and biochemical parameters in rats infected by Trypanosoma evansi. Experimental Parasitology, 2015.
  • 48.DOYLE, R. L. ; DA SILVA, A. S. ; Oliveira, Camila B. ; FRANÇA, R. T. ; ABDALLA, F. H. ; COSTA, P. ; CARVALHO, F. B. ; KLAFKE, G. M. ; MARTINS, J. R. ; LOPES, S. T. A. ; ANDRADE, C. M. . Lipid peroxidation and decrease on the activities of antioxidant enzymes in experimental infection by Babesia bovis in cattle. Comparative Clinical Pathology (Print), 2015.
  • 49.BOTTARI, NATHIELI B. ; MUNHOZ, THIAGO D. ; TORBITZ, VANESSA D. ; Tonin, Alexandre A. ; ANAI, LETÍCIA A. ; SEMOLIN, LÍVIA M. S. ; JARK, PAULO C. ; BOLLICK, YÃNAÍ S. ; MORESCO, RAFAEL N. ; França, Raqueli T. ; Lopes, Sonia T. A. ; STEFANI, LENITA M. ; TINUCCI-COSTA, MIRELA ; SILVA, ALEKSANDRO S. DA . Oxidative stress in dogs with multicentric lymphoma: Effect of chemotherapy on oxidative and antioxidant biomarkers. Redox Report (Edinburgh), 2015.
  • 50.OLIVEIRA, M. T. ; França, Raqueli Teresinha ; FERANTI, J. P. S. ; COUTINHO JUNIOR, A. S. ; SOARES, A. V. ; SANTOS, F. R. B. ; CORREA, L. F. D. ; HARTMANN, H. F. ; PINTO FILHO, S. T. L. ; CHAVES, R. O. ; POHL, V. H. ; BRUN, M. V. . Meloxicam associado ou não ao tramadol no controle da dor após ovário-histerectomia videoassistida em cadelas. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2015.
  • 51.JESUS, F. ; LORETO, E. ; FERREIRO, L. ; ALVES, S. ; DRIEMEIER, D. ; SOUZA, S. ; FRANÇA, R. T. ; LOPES, S. T. A. ; PILOTTO, M. ; LUDWIG, A. ; AZEVEDO, M. I. ; RIBEIRO, T. ; TONDOLO, J. ; SANTURIO, J. . In vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activities of minocycline in combination with azithromycin, clarithromycin or tigecycline against Pythium insidiosum. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (Print), 2015.
  • 52.PAESI, S.; MAGRINI, F. E. . Incidência de doença diarreica aguda em Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em uma série histórica de 10 anos. Scientia Medica (Porto Alegre. Online), v. 25, p. 19901, 2015.
  • 53.POLETO, L. ; SOUZA, P. ; MAGRINI, F. E. ; BEAL, L. L. ; TORRES, A. P. R. ; SOUSA, M. P. ; LAURINO, J. P. ; PAESI, S. . Selection and identification of micro-organisms present in sludge and sewage to produce biohydrogen from glycerol.. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015.

    Patentes e registros ocorridos em 2015

  • Carta Patente Nº PI 0702638-2
    Título: Processo para remoção de metais pesados de líquidos contaminados
    Data Expedição: 02 de junho de 2015
    Inventores: Aldo José Pinheiro Dillon, Johnny Ferraz Dias, Maria Lucia Yoneama, Stela Maris da Silva,
    Leticia Osório da Rosa


    Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: BR1020150190980, data de depósito: 10/08/2015, título: "Formulação Fimogênica para revestimento de sementes contra fitopatógenos" , Instituição de registro:INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial.
  • 2.BARCELLOS, THIAGO ; BARCELLOS, THIAGO ; Borges, Rafael ; Borges, Rafael ; da Silva, Rodrigo ; da silva, rodrigo ; Moura, S. ; Moura, S. . PROCESSO DE SÍNTESE E USO DO FEROMÔNIO DE ATRAÇÃO SEXUAL DA BLATTELLA GERMANICA. 2015, Brasil.
    Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: BR10201502987, data de depósito: 27/11/2015, título: "PROCESSO DE SÍNTESE E USO DO FEROMÔNIO DE ATRAÇÃO SEXUAL DA BLATTELLA GERMANICA" , Instituição de registro:INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial.
    Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: BR10201502390, data de depósito: 16/09/2015, título: "COMPOSIÇÃO FARMACÊUTICA COMPREENDENDO EXTRATO DE SALACIA IMPRESSIFOLIA, USO DA COMPOSIÇÃO E PROCESSO DE OBTENÇÃO DE EXTRATO DE SALACIA IMPRESSIFOLIA" , Instituição de registro:INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial.
  • 4.Reator Rotativo Para Hidrólise De Material Lignocelulósico, Processo De Obtenção De Açúcares Fermentescíveis E Uso Dos Mesmos BR 102015016795-4
    Inventores: Marli Camassola, Daiane Menegol, Aldo José Pinheiro Dillon
  • 5.Método Y Kit Para La Identificación De Marca De Leche (Patente depositada na Argentina) AR PI50102506
    Inventores: Sergio Laguna Echeverrigaray, Anna Célia Silva Arruda, Luciana Bavaresco Andrade Touguinha, Lelis Aparecida Petrini Fortuna
  • 1.ZAMPIERI, DENISE ; NORA, LUÍSA C. ; BASSO, VANESSA ; CAMASSOLA, Marli ; Dillon, Aldo J. P. . Validation of reference genes in Penicillium echinulatum to enable gene expression study using real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Current Genetics, v. 1, p. 1-2, 2014.
  • 2.HICKERT, LILIAN RAQUEL ; CRUZ, MARCELO MERTEN ; DILLON, ALDO JOSE PINHEIRO ; FONTANA, ROSELEI CLAUDETE ; ROSA, CARLOS AUGUSTO ; AYUB, MARCO ANTÔNIO ZÁCHIA . Fermentation kinetics of acid-enzymatic soybean hull hydrolysate in immobilized-cell bioreactors of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida shehatae, Spathaspora arborariae, and their co-cultivations. Biochemical Engineering Journal, v. 1, p. 1-2, 2014.
  • 3.SCHNEIDER, WILLIAN DANIEL HAHN ; DOS REIS, LAÍSA ; CAMASSOLA, Marli ; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro . Morphogenesis and Production of Enzymes by Penicillium echinulatum in Response to Different Carbon Sources. BioMed Research International, v. 2014, p. 1-10, 2014.
  • 4.FINIMUNDY, TIANE CRISTINE ; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro ; HENRIQUES, João Antônio Pêgas ; ELY, MARIANA ROESCH . A Review on General Nutritional Compounds and Pharmacological Properties of the Lentinula edodes Mushroom. Food and Nutrition Sciences, v. 05, p. 1095-1105, 2014.
  • 5.CAMASSOLA, Marli ; Dillon, Aldo J. P. . Effect of Different Pretreatment of Sugar Cane Bagasse on Cellulase and Xylanases Production by the Mutant Penicillium echinulatum 9A02S1 Grown in Submerged Culture. BioMed Research International, v. 2014, p. 1-9, 2014.
  • 6.BETTIN, F. ; MONTANARI, Q. ; CALLONI, R. ; GAIO, T. A. ; SILVEIRA, M. M. ; DILLON, A. J. P. . Additive effects of CuSO4 and aromatic compounds on laccase production by Pleurotus sajor-caju PS-2001 using sucrose as a carbon source. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Impresso), v. 31, p. 335-346, 2014.
  • 7.MENEGOL, DAIANE ; LUISI SCHOLL, ANGÉLICA ; CLAUDETE FONTANA, ROSELEI ; PINHEIRO DILLON, ALDO JOSÉ ; CAMASSOLA, Marli . Potential of a Penicillium echinulatum enzymatic complex produced in either submerged or solid-state cultures for enzymatic hydrolysis of elephant grass. Fuel (Guildford), v. 133, p. 232-240, 2014.
  • 8.BASSO, VANESSA ; MACHADO, JUAREZ CAMPOLINA ; DA SILVA LÉDO, FRANCISCO JOSÉ ; DA COSTA CARNEIRO, JAILTON ; FONTANA, ROSELEI CLAUDETE ; Dillon, Aldo J.P. ; CAMASSOLA, Marli . Different elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) accessions as substrates for enzyme production for the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials. Biomass & Bioenergy, v. 1, p. 1, 2014.
  • 10.DE AVILA E SILVA, SCHEILA ; FORTE, FRANCIELE ; T.S. SARTOR, IVAINE ; ANDRIGHETTI, TAHILA ; J.L. GERHARDT, GÜNTHER ; LONGARAY DELAMARE, ANA PAULA ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . DNA duplex stability as discriminative characteristic for Escherichia coli ?54- and ?28- dependent promoter sequences. Biologicals (London. Print), v. 42, p. 22-28, 2014.
  • 11.FOREST, P. F. ; GIRARDI, M. ; Santos, V. ; Bergmann, C. ; Zeni, M. ; MALVESSI, E. . Reciclo de células de Zymomonas mobilis em sistema com membranas de microfiltração. Revista Iberoamericana de Polímeros (Internet), v. 15, p. 229-239, 2014.
  • 12.Meneghel, L. ; Reis, G. P. ; Reginatto, C. ; MALVESSI, E. ; SILVEIRA, M. M. . Assessment of pectinase production by Aspergillus oryzae in growth-limiting liquid medium under limited and non-limited oxygen supply. Process Biochemistry (1991), v. 49, p. 1800-1807, 2014
  • 13.FURTADO FILHO, O. ; BORBA, J. ; DALLEGRAVE, A. ; PIZZOLATO, T. ; HENRIQUES, JOÃO ANTÔNIO PEGAS ; MOREIRA, J. ; SAFFI, Jenifer . Effect of 950 MHz UHF Electromagnetic radiation on biomarkers of oxidative damage, metabolism of UFA and antioxidants in the liver of young rats of different ages.. International Journal of Radiation Biology, v. 90, p. 159-168, 2014.
  • 14.DE OLIVEIRA, IURI MARQUES ; Degrandi, Tiago Hoerbe ; JORGE, PATRÍCIA MENDES ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; Guecheva, Temenouga Nikolova ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas . Dicholesteroyl diselenide: Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and mutagenicity in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 15, p. 1-11, 2014.
  • 15.GONÇALVES, TATIANA SIQUEIRA ; Menezes, Luciane Macedo de ; Trindade, Cristiano ; Machado, Miriana da Silva ; Thomas, Philip ; Fenech, Michael ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas . Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of orthodontic bands with or without silver soldered joints. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 762, p. 1-8, 2014.
  • 16.DA SILVA FROZZA, CAROLINE OLIVIERI ; DA SILVA RIBEIRO, TANARA ; Gambato, Gabriela ; MENTI, CAROLINE ; MOURA, SIDNEI ; PINTO, PAULO MARCOS ; STAATS, CHARLEY CHRISTIAN ; PADILHA, FRANCINE FERREIRA ; BEGNINI, KARINE RECH ; LEON, PRISCILA MARQUES MOURA DE ; BORSUK, SIBELE ; SAVEGNAGO, LUCIELLI ; DELLAGOSTIN, ODIR ; COLLARES, TIAGO ; SEIXAS, FABIANA KÖMMLING ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas ; ROESCH-ELY, MARIANA . Proteomic analysis identifies differentially expressed proteins after red propolis treatment in Hep-2 cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology, v. 63, p. 195-204, 2014.
  • 17.CALLONI, RAQUEL ; VIEGAS, GABRIHEL STUMPF ; TÜRCK, PATRICK ; BONATTO, Diego ; PEGAS HENRIQUES, JOÃO ANTONIO . Mesenchymal stromal cells from unconventional model organisms. Cytotherapy (Oxford), v. 16, p. 3-16, 2014.
  • 18.Munari, Fernanda M. ; REVERS, LUIS F. ; CARDONE, JACQUELINE M. ; Immich, Bruna F. ; MOURA, DINARA J. ; Guecheva, Temenouga N. ; BONATTO, Diego ; LAURINO, JOMAR P. ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; BRENDEL, Martin ; HENRIQUES, JOÃO A.P. . Sak1 kinase interacts with Pso2 nuclease in response to DNA damage induced by interstrand crosslink-inducing agents in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology, v. 130, p. 241-253, 2014.
  • 19.León-Mejía, Grethel ; QUINTANA, MILTON ; DEBASTIANI, RAFAELA ; DIAS, JOHNNY ; Espitia-Pérez, Lyda ; HARTMANN, ANDREAS ; Henriques, João Antônio Pêgas ; da Silva, Juliana. Genetic damage in coal miners evaluated by buccal micronucleus cytome assay. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, v. 107, p. 133-139, 2014.
  • 20.BUCHNER, ISELDE ; MEDEIROS, NIARA ; LACERDA, DENISE ; NORMANN, CARLOS ; GEMELLI, TANISE ; RIGON, PAULA ; WANNMACHER, CLOVIS ; HENRIQUES, JOÃO ; DANI, Caroline ; FUNCHAL, CLÁUDIA . Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Potential of Organic and Conventional Grape Juices in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet. Antioxidants, v. 3, p. 323-338, 2014.
  • 21.Gambato, Gabriela ; BARONI, ÉRICO G. ; GARCIA, CHARLENE S. C. ; FRASSINI, RAFAELE ; FROZZA, CAROLINE O. S. ; MOURA, SIDNEI ; PEREIRA, CLÁUDIO M. P. ; FUJII, MUTUE T. ; COLEPICOLO, PIO ; LAMBERT, ANA PAULA F. ; Henriques, João A. P. ; ROESCH-ELY, MARIANA . Brown Algae <i>Himantothallus grandifolius</i> (Desmarestiales, Phaeophyceae) Suppresses Proliferation and Promotes Apoptosis-Mediated Cell Death in Tumor Cells. Advances in Biological Chemistry, v. 04, p. 98-108, 2014.
  • 22.JORGE, PATRÍCIA MENDES ; DE OLIVEIRA, IURI MARQUES ; CHIELA, EDUARDO CREMONESE FILIPPI ; VIAU, Cassiana Macagnan ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; HORN, FABIANA ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; Guecheva, Temenouga Nikolova ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas . Diphenyl Ditelluride-Induced Cell Cycle Arrest And Apoptosis: A Relation With Topoisomerase I Inhibition. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (Print), v. 01, p. n/a-n/a, 2014.
  • 23.PACURAR, D. I. ; PACURAR, M. L. ; BUSSELL, J. D. ; SCHWAMBACH, J. ; POP, T. I. ; KOWALCZYK, M. ; GUTIERREZ, L. ; CAVEL, E. ; CHAABOUNI, S. ; LJUNG, K. ; FETT-NETO, A. G. ; PAMFIL, D. ; BELLINI, C. . Identification of new adventitious rooting mutants amongst suppressors of the Arabidopsis thaliana superroot2 mutation. Journal of Experimental Botany, v. 65, p. 1605-1618, 2014.
  • 24.Zorzi, E. ; Pauletti, G.F. ; Ribeiro, R.T.S. ; SCHWAMBACH, J. . Atividade antifúngica in vitro dos óleos essenciais de Pinus elliottii e Pinus taeda sobre o fungo patógeno do tomateiro Alternaria solani Sorauer. Caderno Pedagógico (Lajeado. Online), v. 11, p. 68-77, 2014.
  • 25.LAZAROTTO, DIANA CARLA ; PAWLOWSKI, ÂNGELA ; DA SILVA, ELIANE REGINA ; Schwambach, Joséli ; SOARES, GERALDO LUIZ GONÇALVES . Phytotoxic effects of Heterothalamus psiadioides (Asteraceae) essential oil on adventitious rooting. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, v. 36, p. 3163-3171, 2014.
  • 26.CHASSOT, J. M. ; RIBAS, D. ; SILVEIRA, E. F. ; GRUNSPAN, L. D. ; PIRES, C. C. ; FARAGO, P. V. ; BRAGANHOL, E. ; TASSO, L. ; CRUZ, L. . Beclomethasone dipropionate-loaded polymeric nanocapsules: development, in vitro cytotoxicity, and in vivo evaluation of acute lung injury. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Print), 2014.
  • 27.LAUREANO, J. V. ; BARRETO, F. ; GNOATTO, S. ; TASSO, L. ; DALLACOSTA, T. ; ARAUJO, B. V. . Development and validation of a bioanalytical method by LC-MS/MS for the quantification of the LAFIS 10 - an antimalarial candidate and its pharmacokinetics first evaluation. Biomedical Chromatography, 2014.
  • 28.PIZZUTI, L. ; BARSCHAK, A. G. ; STEFANELLO, F. M. ; FARIAS, M. D. ; LENCINA, C. ; Roesch-Ely, M ; CUNICO, W. ; MOURA, S. ; PEREIRA, C. M. P. . Environment-Friendly Synthesis of Bioactive Pyrazoles. Current Organic Chemistry, v. 18, p. 115-126, 2014.
  • 29.GAMBATO, G. ; salvador,m ; Roesch-Ely, M ; SOUZA, K. C. B. ; ANGELI, V. W. . Extrato hidroalcoólico de Eucalyptus camaldulensis como ativo fitoquímico no desenvolvimento de dentifrícios. Revista Brasileira de Farmácia / Brazilian Journal of Pharmacy, v. 95, p. 580-594, 2014.
  • 30.PACHECO, B. S. ; NUNES, C. F. ; ROCKEMBACH, C. T. ; BERTELLI, P. ; MESKO, M. F. ; Roesch-Ely, M ; MOURA, S. ; PEREIRA, C. M. P. . Eco-friendly synthesis of esters under ultrasound with p-toluenesulfonic acid as catalyst. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, v. 7, p. 265-270, 2014.
  • 31.PAESI, SUELEN ; CORREA, LEONARDO ; TREGNAGO, MÁRCIA CALDART ; MANDELLI, JOVANA ; Roesch-Ely, Mariana . Human papillomavirus among women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance in southern Brazil. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, v. 1, p. 1, 2014.
  • 32.WISINTAINER, GABRIELLE G.N.S. ; SIMÕES, EVELYNE R.B. ; LEMOS, TELMA L.G. ; MOURA, SIDNEI ; SOUZA, LUCIANA G.S. ; FONSECA, ALUISIO M. ; MORAES, MANOEL ODORICO ; PESSOA, CLAUDIA ; Roesch-Ely, Mariana ; HENRIQUES, JOÃO A.P. . Biflorin: an o-naphthoquinone of clinical significance. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso), v. 00, p. 00-00, 2014.
  • 33.BEGNINI, KARINE RECH ; MOURA DE LEON, PRISCILA MARQUES ; THUROW, HELENA ; SCHULTZE, EDUARDA ; CAMPOS, VINICIUS FARIAS ; MARTINS RODRIGUES, FERNANDA ; BORSUK, SIBELE ; DELLAGOSTIN, ODIR ANTÔNIO ; SAVEGNAGO, LUCIELLI ; Roesch-Ely, Mariana ; MOURA, SIDNEI ; PADILHA, FRANCINE F. ; COLLARES, TIAGO ; PÊGAS HENRIQUES, JOÃO ANTONIO ; SEIXAS, FABIANA KÖMMLING . Brazilian Red Propolis Induces Apoptosis-Like Cell Death and Decreases Migration Potential in Bladder Cancer Cells. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Print), v. 2014, p. 1-13, 2014.
  • 34.NOVELLO, MARCIA MCAMASSOLA ; VILASBOA, JOHNATAN ; SCHNEIDER, WILLIAN DANIEL HAHN ; REIS, LAÍSA ; FONTANA, ROSELEI ; Camassola, Marli . Enzymes for ethanol second generation - Exploring new strategies for use of xylose. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences, v. x, p. x, 2014.
  • 35.MENEGOL, DAIANE ; SCHOLL, ANGÉLICA LUISI ; FONTANA, ROSELEI CLAUDETE ; DILLON, Aldo José Pinheiro ; Camassola, Marli . Increased release of fermentable sugars from elephant grass by enzymatic hydrolysis in the presence of surfactants. Energy Conversion and Management, v. x, p. x, 2014.
  • 36.AVER, K. R. ; SCORTEGAGNA, A. Z. ; FONTANA, R. C. ; CAMASSOLA, M . Saccharification of ionic-liquid-pretreated sugar cane bagasse using Penicillium echinulatum enzymes. Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Journal, v. xx, p. x, 2014.
  • 37.DOS REIS, LAÍSA ; Ritter, C.E.T. ; FONTANA, R. C. ; CAMASSOLA, M ; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro . Statistical optimization of mineral salt and urea for cellulase and xylanase production by Penicillium echinulatum in submerged fermentatio. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Impresso), 2014.
  • 38.MENEGHEL, L. ; Reis, G.P. ; REGINATTO, C. ; MALVESSI, Eloane ; SILVEIRA, M. M. . Assessment of pectinase production by Aspergillus oryzae in growth-limiting liquid medium under limited and non-limited oxygen supply. Process Biochemistry (1991), v. 49, p. 1800-1807, 2014.
  • 39.Ritter, C.E.T. ; CAMASSOLA, MARLI ; SILVEIRA, M. M. ; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro . Cellulases and Xylanases Production by Penicillium Echinulatum in Submerged Cultivation: Statistical Optimization of Process Parameters. journal of biocatalysis & biotransformation, v. 2, p. 1, 2014.
  • 40.DE SOUZA, MARCIA DENIZE OLIVEIRA ; BRANCO, CATIA DOS SANTOS ; SENE, J. S. ; Dall Agnol, Rafaela ; AGOSTINI, F. ; MOURA, SIDNEI ; Salvador, Mirian . Antioxidant and Antigenotoxic Activities of the Brazilian Pine Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze. Antioxidants, v. 3, p. 24-37, 2014.
  • 41.Scola, Gustavo ; KIM, H. H. ; YOUNG, L. T. ; Mirian Salvador ; ANDREAZZA, Ana C . Lithium reduces the effects of rotenone-induced complex I dysfunction on DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in rat cortical primary neurons. Psychopharmacologia (Heidelberg), v. X, p. XX, 2014.
  • 42.BRANCO, CATIA DOS SANTOS ; LIMA, E. D. ; PAVAO, E. ; Bertholdo-Vargas, Lúcia R. ; Barros, Neiva M. ; Mirian Salvador . Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze induces oxidative and genotoxic damage in larvae of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Erebidae). International Journal of Pest Management, v. X, p. 1-7, 2014.
  • 43.MONTEZANO, D. G. ; SPECHT, A. ; SOSA-GOMEZ, D. ; ROQUE-SPECHT, V. F. ; BORTOLIN, T. M. ; FRONZA, E. ; PEZZI, P. P. ; LUZ, PRISCILA C. ; BARROS, N. M. . Biotic potential, fertility and life table of Spodoptera albula (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), under controlled conditions. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso), v. 86, p. 723-732, 2014.
  • 44.WEBBER, VANESSA ; DUTRA, Sandra Valduga ; SPINELLI, Fernanda Rodrigues ; MARCON, Ângela Rossi ; Carnieli, Gilberto João ; Vanderlinde, Regina . Effect of glutathione addition in sparkling wine. Food Chemistry, v. 159, p. 391-398, 2014.
  • 45.Mussatto, Greice ; de Avila e Silva, Scheila . Perspectivas e Potencialidades da Interface Cérebro-Máquina. Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA, v. 13, p. 51-56, 2014.
  • 46.NOTARI, D. L. ; Molin, A ; Davanzo, V. ; Picolloto, D ; RIBEIRO, H. G. ; de Avila e Silva, Scheila . IntergenicDB a database for intergenic sequences. Bioinformation (Online) (Chennai), v. 10, p. 381-383, 2014.
  • 47.AGOSTINI, Gustavo ; BORDIGNON, SERGIO AUGUSTO LORETO ; TEIXEIRA DE SOUZA CHIES, TATIANA ; Agostini, Fabiana ; COLUSSI, GIOVANNI ; Echeverrigaray, Sergio ; MARASINI, ALESSANDRA BROCHIER ; KALTCHUK DOS SANTOS, ELIANE . Variation in the essential oils of the endangered species Cunila fasciculata Benth. (Lamiaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, v. 54, p. 292-298, 2014.
  • 48.SPADARI, L. ; DELAMARE, A. P. L. ; CARDOSO, A. ; VANDERLINDE, R. ; Echeverrigaray, S. . Influência da cepa de levedura nas características fisico-químicas e organolépticas de vinhos espumantes. Revista Brasileira de Viticultura e Enologia, v. 6, p. 58-64, 2014.
  • 49.DE MELO, EDUARDO BORGES ; MOURA E SILVA, SIDNEI ; PAULA, FÁVERO REISDORFER . Molecular modelling and quantitative structure-activity relationship studies of anatoxin-a and epibatidine derivatives with affinity to rodent nAChR receptors. Chemical Papers (Print), v. 68, p. 1121-1131, 2014.
  • 50.WILHELM, ETHEL A. ; MACHADO, NIÉGE C. ; PEDROSO, ANDRIELI B. ; GOLDANI, BRUNA S. ; SEUS, NATÁLIA ; Moura, Sidnei ; SAVEGNAGO, LUCIELLI ; JACOB, RAQUEL G. ; ALVES, DIEGO . Organocatalytic synthesis and evaluation of 7-chloroquinoline-1,2,3-triazoyl carboxamides as potential antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant agent. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences, v. 4, p. 41437-41445, 2014.
  • 51.BAIRROS, ANDRÉ VALLE DE ; ALMEIDA, RAFAEL MENCK DE ; PANTALEÃO, LORENA ; BARCELLOS, THIAGO ; SILVA, SIDNEI MOURA E ; Yonamine, Mauricio . Determination of low levels of benzodiazepines and their metabolites in urine by hollow-fiber liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Journal of Chromatography. B (Print), v. 00, p. 00, 2014.
  • 52.Bustamante-Filho, I. C. ; Salton, G. D. ; Munari, F. M. ; Schneider, M. R. ; Mattos, Rodrigo Costa ; LAURINO, J. P. ; Cirne-Lima, E. O. ; Jobim, M. I. M. . Recombinant expression and purification of the bovine acidic Seminal Fluid Protein. Animal Reproduction, v. 11, p. 11, 2014.
  • 1.FINIMUNDY, T.C. ; GAMBATO, G. ; FONTANA, R. ; Camassola, M. ; SALVADOR, M. ; MOURA, S. ; HESS, J. ; HENRIQUES, J.A.P. ; Dillon, A.J.P. ; ROESCH-ELY, M. . Aqueous extracts of Lentinula edodes and Pleurotus sajor-caju exhibit high antioxidant capability and promising in vitro antitumor activity. Nutrition Research (New York, N.Y.), v. 33, p. 76-84, 2013.
  • 2.PEREIRA, BEATRIZ MERCHEL PIOVESAN ; ALVAREZ, THABATA MARIA ; DA SILVA DELABONA, PRISCILA ; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro ; SQUINA, FABIO MÁRCIO ; DA CRUZ PRADELLA, JOSÉ GERALDO . Cellulase On-Site Production from Sugar Cane Bagasse Using Penicillium echinulatum. BIOENERG RES, v. 1, p. 1, 2013.
  • 3.CAMASSOLA, Marli ; ROSA, LETÍCIA O. DA ; CALLONI, Raquel ; Gaio, Tamara A. ; Dillon, Aldo J.P. . Secretion of laccase and manganese peroxidase by Pleurotus strains cultivate in solid-state using Pinus spp. sawdust. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (Impresso), v. 44, p. 207-213, 2013.
  • 4.REIS, LAÍSA ; SCHNEIDER, WILLIAN DANIEL HAHN ; FONTANA, ROSELEI CLAUDETE ; CAMASSOLA, Marli ; Dillon, Aldo J. P. . Cellulase and Xylanase Expression in Response to Different pH Levels of Penicillium echinulatum S1M29 Medium. BIOENERG RES, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2013.
  • 5.TODERO RITTER, CARLA ELIANA ; CAMASSOLA, Marli ; ZAMPIERI, DENISE ; SILVEIRA, MAURICIO MOURA ; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro . Cellulase and Xylanase Production by Penicillium echinulatum in Submerged Media Containing Cellulose Amended with Sorbitol. Enzyme Research, v. 2013, p. 1-9, 2013.
  • 6.DOS REIS, LAÍSA ; FONTANA, ROSELEI CLAUDETE ; DA SILVA DELABONA, PRISCILA ; DA SILVA LIMA, DEISE JULIANA ; CAMASSOLA, Marli ; DA CRUZ PRADELLA, JOSÉ GERALDO ; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro . Increased production of cellulases and xylanases by Penicillium echinulatum S1M29 in batch and fed-batch culture. Bioresource Technology, v. 146, p. 597-603, 2013.
  • 7.RITTER, CARLA ELIANA TODERO ; FONTANA, ROSELEI CLAUDETE ; CAMASSOLA, Marli ; SILVEIRA, MAURÍCIO MOURA DA ; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro . The influence of sorbitol on the production of cellulases and xylanases in an airlift bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, v. 1, p. 1-0, 2013.
  • 8.ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio ; RANDON, MARTA ; SILVA, KEOMA ; ZACARIA, Jucimar ; Delamare, Ana Paula Longaray . Identification and characterization of non-saccharomyces spoilage yeasts isolated from Brazilian wines. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, v. 29, p. 1019-1027, 2013.
  • 9.Melo M T ; OLIVEIRA, I. M. ; GRIVICICH, Ivana ; Guecheva, Temenouga Nikolova ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; Henriques, J. A. P. ; ROSA, Renato Moreira . Diphenyl Diselenide Protects Cultured MCF-7 Cells Against Tamoxifen-Induced Oxidative DNA Damage.. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, v. 67, p. 329-335, 2013.
  • 10.BARROS, FRANCISCO W.A. ; BEZERRA, DANIEL P. ; FERREIRA, PAULO M.P. ; CAVALCANTI, BRUNO C. ; SILVA, TERESINHA G. ; PITTA, MARINA G.R. ; DE LIMA, MARIA DO C.A. ; GALDINO, SUELY L. ; DA R. PITTA, IVAN ; COSTA-LOTUFO, LETÍCIA V. ; MORAES, MANOEL O. ; BURBANO, ROMMEL R. ; Guecheva, Temenouga N. ; HENRIQUES, JOÃO A.P. ; PESSOA, CLÁUDIA . Inhibition of DNA topoisomerase I activity and induction of apoptosis by thiazacridine derivatives. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, v. 268, p. 37-46, 2013.
  • 11.DA SILVA FROZZA, CAROLINE OLIVIERI ; GARCIA, CHARLENE SILVESTRIN CELI ; Gambato, Gabriela ; DE SOUZA, MARCIA DENIZE OLIVEIRA ; SALVADOR, Mirian ; MOURA, SIDNEI ; PADILHA, FRANCINE FERREIRA ; SEIXAS, FABIANA KÖMMLING ; COLLARES, TIAGO ; BORSUK, SIBELE ; DELLAGOSTIN, ODIR ANTONIO ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas ; ROESCH-ELY, MARIANA . Chemical characterization, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Brazilian red propolis. Food and Chemical Toxicology, v. 52, p. 137-142, 2013.
  • 12.RODRIGUES, A. ; SCHEFFEL, T.B. ; SCOLA, G. ; SANTOS, M. T. ; FRANK, B. ; Dani, Carol ; Vanderlinde, R. ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas ; COUTINHO, A.S. ; SALVADOR, Mirian . Purple grape juices prevent pentylenetet-induced oxidative damage in the liver and serum of Wistar rats. Nutrition Research, v. 33, p. 120-125, 2013.
  • 13.DOS SANTOS, V.C. ; LONGO, T. B. ; GARCIA, A. L. ; RICHTER, M. F. ; Guecheva T ; Ferraz, Alexandre ; Picada, J.N. ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas . Evaluation of the Mutagenicity and Genotoxicity of Arrabidaea chica Verlot (Bignoneaceae) an Amazon Plant with Medicinal Properties. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, v. 76, p. 381-390, 2013.
  • 14.PELETTI-FIGUERO, M. ; DA SILVA, G. ; SOUZA, O. ; LAMBERT, A. P. F. ; MACHADO, D. C. ; ROESCH-ELY, M. ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas ; FALAVIGNA, A. . Stem-Cell Treatment in Disc Degeneration:what is the evidence?. Coluna/Columna, v. 12, p. 36-38, 2013.
  • 15.SPEROTTO, A.R.M. ; MOURA, D.J. ; PÉRES, V.F. ; DAMASCENO, F.C. ; CARAMÃO, E.B. ; Henriques, J.A.P. ; SAFFI, J. . Cytotoxic mechanism of Piper gaudichaudianum Kunth essential oil and its major compound nerolidol. Food and Chemical Toxicology, v. 57, p. 57-68, 2013.
  • 16.MATUO, R. ; SOUSA, F.G. ; BONATTO, D. ; MIELNICZKI-PEREIRA, A.A. ; SAFFI, J. ; SOARES, D.G. ; ESCARGUEIL, A.E. ; LARSEN, A.K. ; Henriques, J.A.P. . ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling and histone acetyltransferases in 5-FU cytotoxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 12, p. 1440-1456, 2013.
  • 17.CALLONI, RAQUEL ; CORDERO, ELVIRA ALICIA APARICIO ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas ; BONATTO, Diego . Reviewing and Updating the Major Molecular Markers for Stem Cells. Stem Cells and Development, v. 22, p. 1455-1476, 2013.
  • 18.ARIGONY, ANA LÚCIA VARGAS ; DE OLIVEIRA, IURI MARQUES ; MACHADO, MIRIANA ; BORDIN, DIANA LILIAN ; BERGTER, LOTHAR ; PRÁ, Daniel ; PÊGAS HENRIQUES, JOÃO ANTONIO . The Influence of Micronutrients in Cell Culture: A Reflection on Viability and Genomic Stability. BioMed Research International, v. 2013, p. 1-22, 2013.
  • 19.RUEDELL, Carolina Michels ; Almeida, Márcia Rodrigues ; Schwambach, Joséli ; POSENATO, CARINA FRONZA ; FETT-NETO, ARTHUR GERMANO . Pre and post-severance effects of light quality on carbohydrate dynamics and microcutting adventitious rooting of two Eucalyptus species of contrasting recalcitrance. Plant Growth Regulation (Print), v. 69, p. 235-245, 2013.
  • 20.DA COSTA, CIBELE T. ; DE ALMEIDA, MÁRCIA R. ; RUEDELL, CAROLINA M. ; SCHWAMBACH, JOSELI ; MARASCHIN, FELIPE S. ; Fett-Neto, Arthur G. . When stress and development go hand in hand: main hormonal controls of adventitious rooting in cuttings. Frontiers in Plant Science, v. 4, p. 133, 2013.
  • 21.RUFATTO, L. C. ; FINIMUNDY, T. C. ; Roesch-Ely, M ; MOURA, S. . Mikania laevigata: Chemical characterization and selective cytotoxic activity of extracts on tumor cell lines. Phytomedicine (Stuttgart), p. 1, 2013.
  • 22.PAESI, S. ; AVER, L. ; BAREA, F. ; VANNI, A. ; Roesch-Ely, M . Human papillomavirus and infections of the lower genital tract in women with abnormal cervical cytological examination. Scientia Medica (PUCRS. Impresso), v. 23, p. 41-46, 2013.
  • 23.SANDRI, Ivana Greice ; Toscan, C.M. ; FONTANA, Roselei Claudete ; Silveira, Mauricio Moura . Use of pectinases produced by a new strain of Aspergillus niger for the enzymatic treatment of apple and blueberry juice. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie / Food Science + Technology, v. 51, p. 469-475, 2013.
  • 24.MALVESSI, Eloane ; CARRA, Sabrina ; PASQUALI, Flávia Cristina ; Kern, Denise Bizarro ; Silveira, Mauricio Moura ; Ayub, Marco Antônio Záchia . Production of organic acids by periplasmic enzymes present in free and immobilized cells of Zymomonas mobilis. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, v. 40, p. 1-10, 2013.
  • 25.VALLE, T. A. ; RUZZA, A. A. ; MASTROENI, M. F. ; MALVESSI, Eloane ; Da Silveira, MM ; Souza, O. ; ERZINGER, G. S. . Lactobionic Acid Produced by Zymomonas mobilis: Alternative to Prepare Targeted Nanoparticles. Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta, v. 4, p. 220-224, 2013.
  • 26.Silva, Andréa Lucia Gonçalves ; Rosa, Helen T ; Bender, Eduarda ; Rosa, Paulo Ricardo ; Salvador, Mirian ; Charlier, Clara F ; Moura, Dinara ; Valin, Andréa R de Moura ; GUECHEVA, Temenouga Nikolova ; Henriques, J.A. . Effect of Physical Exercise on the Level of DNA Damage in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients. ISRN Pulmonology, v. 2013, p. 1-8, 2013.
  • 27.Scola, Gustavo ; Laurino, Claudia Cilene Fernandes Correia ; MENIN, E. ; Salvador, Mirian . Suppression of Oncoprotein Her-2 and Decreased PARP Expression after Treatment with Flavan-3-ol Vitis labrusca Extract. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, v. xx, p. xx-xx, 2013.
  • 28.Scola, Gustavo ; SCHEFFEL, THAMIRIS ; Gambato, Gabriela ; FREITAS, SUZANA ; DANI, Caroline ; Funchal, Claudia ; Gomez, Rosane ; Coitinho, Adriana ; Salvador, Mirian . Flavan-3-ol compounds prevent pentylenetetrazol-induced oxidative damage in rats without producing mutations and genotoxicity. Neuroscience Letters (Print), v. 534, p. 145-149, 2013.
  • 29.BULCÃO, RACHEL P. ; DE FREITAS, FERNANDO A. ; DALLEGRAVE, ELIANE ; VENTURINI, CRISTINA G. ; Baierle, Marília ; DURGANTE, JULIANO ; SAUER, ELISA ; CASSINI, Carina ; CERSKI, CARLOS T. ; ZIELINSKY, PAULO ; Salvador, Mirian ; POHLMANN, Adriana R. ; Guterres, Sílvia S. ; Garcia, Solange C. . In vivo toxicological evaluation of polymeric nanocapsules after intradermal administration. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, v. XX, p. XX-XX, 2013.
  • 30.Moro, Angela M. ; CHARÃO, MARIELE F. ; Brucker, Natália ; DURGANTE, JULIANO ; Baierle, Marília ; BUBOLS, GUILHERME ; GOETHEL, GABRIELA ; FRACASSO, RAFAEL ; Nascimento, Sabrina ; Bulcão, Rachel ; GAUER, BRUNA ; BARTH, ANELISE ; BOCHI, GUILHERME ; Moresco, Rafael ; GIODA, ADRIANA ; Salvador, Mirian ; FARSKY, SANDRA ; Garcia, Solange C. . Genotoxicity and oxidative stress in gasoline station attendants. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. XX, p. xx-xx, 2013.
  • 31.MURAKAMI, AUREANNA NAIRNE NEGRÃO ; AMBONI, RENATA DIAS DE MELLO CASTANHO ; PRUDÊNCIO, ELANE SCHWINDEN ; AMANTE, EDNA REGINA ; FRITZEN-FREIRE, CARLISE BEDDIN ; BOAVENTURA, BRUNNA CRISTINA BREMER ; MUÑOZ, ISABELLA DE BONA ; BRANCO, CATIA DOS SANTOS ; Salvador, Miriam ; MARASCHIN, MARCELO . Concentration of biologically active compounds extracted from Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil. by nanofiltration. Food Chemistry, v. 141, p. 60-65, 2013.
  • 32.Silva, Andréa Lucia Gonçalves ; Rosa, Helen T ; Charlier, Clara F ; Salvador, Miriam ; Moura, Dinara ; VALIM, A. R. M. ; GUECHEVA, T. N. ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pegas . DNA Damage and Oxidative Stress in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The Open Biomarkers Journal, v. 6, p. 1-8, 2013.
  • 33.NICOLA, C. ; SALVADOR, M. ; GOWER, A. E. ; MOURA, SIDNEI ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, S. . Chemical constituents antioxidant and anticholinesterasic activity of Tabernaemontana catharinensis. The Scientific World Journal, v. X, p. 1-10, 2013.
  • 34.Branco, Cátia ; Scola, Gustavo ; RODRIGUES, ADRIANA ; CESIO, VERÓNICA ; HEINZEN, HORACIO ; GODOY, ALESSANDRA ; Funchal, Cláudia ; Coitinho, Adriana ; Salvador, Mirian . Organic and Conventional Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil) Improves Metabolic Redox Status of Liver and Serum in Wistar Rats. Antioxidants, v. 2, p. 100-109, 2013.
  • 35.FRONZA, E. ; Migues, I. ; SPECHT, A. ; BARROS, N. M. ; HEINZEN, H. . Identification of -Tocopherol and -Tocopheryl acetate from the cuticle of soybean pods armyworm (Spodoptera cosmioides).. Natural Product Research (Print), v. 27, p. 1-4, 2013.
  • 36.MONTEZANO, DÉBORA G. ; SPECHT, Alexandre ; BORTOLIN, TARCISO M. ; FRONZA, EDEGAR ; SOSA-GÓMEZ, DANIEL R. ; ROQUE-SPECHT, VÂNIA F. ; PEZZI, PATRÍCIA ; LUZ, PRISCILA C. ; BARROS, NEIVA M. . Immature stages of Spodoptera albula (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): Developmental parameters and host plants. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso), v. 85, p. 271-284, 2013.
  • 37.DUTRA, S.V. ; ADAMI, L. ; MARCON, A.R. ; CARNIELI, G.J. ; ROANI, C.A. ; SPINELLI, F.R. ; LEONARDELLI, S. ; VANDERLINDE, R. . Characterization of wines according the geographical origin by analysis of isotopes and minerals and the influence of harvest on the isotope values. Food Chemistry, v. 141, p. 2148-2153, 2013.
  • 38.ARCARI, STEFANY GRÜTZMANN ; CHAVES, EDUARDO SIDINEI ; Vanderlinde, Regina ; ROSIER, JEAN PIERRE ; BORDIGNON-LUIZ, MARILDE T. . Brazilian fortified wines: Chemical composition, chromatic properties and antioxidant activity. Food Research International, v. 53, p. 164-173, 2013.
  • 39.Gerhardt, Günther J.L. ; TAKEDA, AGNES A.S. ; ANDRIGHETTI, TAHILA ; SARTOR, IVAINE T.S. ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, SERGIO L. ; de Avila e Silva, Scheila ; DOS SANTOS, LAURITA ; RYBARCZYK-FILHO, JOSÉ L. . Triplet Entropy Analysis of Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase Sequences Measures Influenza Virus Phylodynamics. Gene (Amsterdam), v. 10, p. 1019, 2013.
  • 40.TASSO, L. ; DALLACOSTA, T. . Simultaneous determination of gatifloxacin and levofloxacin in Todd-Hewitt broth employing an in vitro pharmacokinetic-pharmadocynamic model. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, v. 32, p. 353-357, 2013.
  • 41.ARAUJO, B. V. ; LAUREANO, J. V. ; GRUNSPAN, L. D. ; DALLACOSTA, T. ; TASSO, L. . Validation of an efficient LC-Microdialysis method for gemifloxacin quantitation in lung, kidney and liver of rats. Journal of Chromatography. B (Print), v. 919, p. 62-66, 2013.
  • 1-Schmitt, Sharlene; de Souza, Raissa; BETTIN, Fernanda; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro; Valle, José Alexandre Borges; ANDREAUS, Jürgen . Decolorization of aqueous solutions of disperse textile dyes by oxidoreductases. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation (Print), v. 30, p. 48-56, 2012.
  • 2-VIAU, Cassiana M; CARDONE, Jacqueline Moraes; Guecheva, Temenouga Nikolova; YONEAMA, Maria Lucia; Dias, Johnny Ferraz; PUNGARTNIK, Cristina; BRENDEL, Martin; SAFFI, Jenifer; Henriques, J. A. P. Enhanced resistance of yeast mutants deficient in low-affinity iron and zinc transporters to stannous-induced toxicity. Chemosphere (Oxford), v. 86, p. 477-484, 2012.
  • 3-M C Moraes; de Andrade AQ; Carvalho H; Guecheva T; AGNOLETTO, M; Henriques, J. A. P.; Sarasin, Alain; Stary, Anne; SAFFI, Jenifer; MENCK, Carlos Frederico Martins. Both XPA and DNA polymerase eta are necessary for the repair of doxorubicin-induced DNA lesions. Cancer Letters (Print), v. 314, p. 108-118, 2012.
  • 4-Saito, Samuel Takashi; Trentin, Danielle da Silva; Macedo, Alexandre José; PUNGARTNIK, Cristina; Gosmann, Grace; SILVEIRA, Jaqueline de Deos; Guecheva, Temenouga Nikolova; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas; BRENDEL, Martin. Bioguided Fractionation Shows Cassia alata Extract to Inhibit Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Growth and Biofilm Formation. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Print), v. 2012, p. 1-13, 2012.
  • 5-Teixeira E C; Pra, Daniel; Idalgo D; Henriques, J. A. P.; Wiegand F. DNA-damage effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from urban area, evaluated in lung fibroblast cultures. Environmental Pollution (London), v. 162, p. 430-438, 2012.
  • 6-Rodrigues, Adriana Dalpicolli; Scheffel, Thamiris Becker; Scola, Gustavo; Santos, Maitê Telles dos; Fank, Bruna; de Freitas, Suzana Cesa Vieira ; DANI, Caroline; Vanderlinde, Regina; Henriques, João Antonio Pegas; Coitinho, Adriana Simon; SALVADOR, Mirian . Neuroprotective and anticonvulsant effects of organic and conventional purple grape juices on seizures in Wistar rats induced by pentylenetetrazole. Neurochemistry International, v. 60, p. 799-805, 2012.
  • 7-BERTOLINI, D. A. ; Gomes-Gouvêa, M. S. ; Carvalho-Mello, I.M ; Saraceni C. P. ; Sitnik, R; Grazziotin F. G.; LAURINO, J. P.; Fagundes, N. J. R.; Carrilho F. J.; Pinho, J. R. Hepatitis B virus genotypes from European origin explains the high endemicity found in some areas from southern Brazil. Infection, Genetics and Evolution (Print), v. 12, p. 1295-304, 2012.
  • 9-CAMASSOLA, M. Cellulases and Hemicellulases, why we need so much of these Enzymes? Journal of Fermentation Technology, v. 2, p. 1-2, 2012.
  • 10-Boniolo, Fabrízio Siqueira; Rodrigues, Raphael Cardoso; Prata, Arnaldo Márcio Ramalho; López, Maria Luisa; Jacinto, Tânia; Silveira, Mauricio Moura; Berbert-Molina, Marília Amorim. Oxygen supply in Bacillus thuringiensis fermentations: bringing new insights on their impact on sporulation and -endotoxin production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, v. 94, p. 625-636, 2012.
  • 11-Dani, C.; OLIBONI, Lívia Soldatelli ; PRÁ, D. ; BONATTO, Diego; Ioschims, C. E. ; YONEAMA, M.L.; DIAS, J. F.; SALVADOR, M.; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. Mineral content is related to antioxidant and antimutagenic properties of grape juice. Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 3, p. 32-40, 2012.
  • 12-Da Silva, Fernanda Rabaioli; Da Silva, Juliana; Allgayer, Mariangela da C. ; Simon, Caroline F.; Dias, Johnny F.; dos Santos, Carla E.I.; Salvador, Mirian; Branco, Catia ; Schneider, Nayê Balzan ; Kahl, Vivian ; Rohr, Paula ; Kvitko, Kátia . Genotoxic biomonitoring of tobacco farmers: Biomarkers of exposure, of early biological effects and of susceptibility. Journal of Hazardous Materials (Print), v. 225-226, p. 81-90, 2012.
  • 13-Moro, Angela M.; Brucker, Natália; Charão, Mariele; Bulcão, Rachel; Freitas, Fernando; Baierle, Marília; Nascimento, Sabrina; Valentini, Juliana; CASSINI, Carina; Salvador, Mirian; Linden, Rafael; Thiesen, Flávia; Buffon, Andréia; Moresco, Rafael; Garcia, Solange C. Evaluation of genotoxicity and oxidative damage in painters exposed to low levels of toluene. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 746, p. 42-48, 2012.
  • 14-Ramos Boeira Junior, Breno; Echeverrigaray, Sergio. Dentistry and Molecular Biology: A Promising Field for Tooth Agenesis Management. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, v. 226, p. 243-249, 2012.
  • 15-Zanella, Janice; COSTA, Sergio Olavo Pinto da; ZACARIA, Jucimar; Echeverrigaray, Sergio. A rapid and reliable method for the clonal isolation of Acanthamoeba from environmental samples. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (Impresso), v. 55, p. 01-06, 2012.
  • 16-Boeira Junior, B.R.; Echeverrigaray, S. Polymorphism in the MSX1 gene in a family with upper lateral incisor agenesis. Archives of Oral Biology, v. 4, p. 1, 2012.
  • 17-PAESI, S.; Rosa, C; DORNELLES, P. M; LUZ, F; Schenkel, C ; ZAMPIERI, D. Evaluation of a Latex Agglutination Kit for Detecting Rotavirus in Piglets. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (Online), v. 40, p. 1014, 2012.
  • 1-Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro ; Bettio, Maurício ; POZZAN, Fátima Grasiela ; Andrighetti, Tahila ; CAMASSOLA, Marli . A new Penicillium echinulatum strain with faster cellulase secretion obtained using hydrogen peroxide mutagenesis and screening with 2-deoxyglucose. Journal of Applied Microbiology (Print), p. no-no, 2011
  • 2-ZENKER, Maurício Moraes ; PENZ, C. ; De Paris, M. ; SPECHT, A. . Proboscis morphology and its relationship to feeding habits in noctuid moths. Journal of Insect Science (Online), v. 11, p. 1-10, 2011.
  • 3-Rohr, Paula ; da Silva, Juliana ; ERDTMANN, Bernardo ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; Guecheva, Temenouga Nikolova ; Antônio Pêgas Henriques, João ; KVITKO, Kátia . BER gene polymorphisms (OGG1 Ser326Cys and XRCC1 Arg194Trp) and modulation of DNA damage due to pesticides exposure. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis (Print), v. 52, p. 20-27, 2011
  • 4-PRÁ, Daniel ; BORTOLUZZI, A. ; Muller, Luiza Louzada ; Hermes, Liziane ; Horta, Jorge André ; Maluf, Sharbel Weidner ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; Fenech, Michael ; FRANKE, Silvia Isabel Rech . Iron intake, red cell indicators of iron status, and DNA damage in young subjects. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.), v. 27, p. 293-297, 2011.
  • 5-León-Mejía, Grethel ; Espitia-Pérez, Lyda ; Giraldo, Luz Stella Hoyos ; SILVA, Juliana da ; Hatmann, Andreas ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; Sosa, Milton Quintana . ASSESSMENT OF DNA DAMAGE IN COAL OPEN-CAST MINING WORKERS USING THE CYTOKINESIS-BLOCKED MICRONUCLEUS TEST AND THE COMET ASSAY. Science of the Total Environment, v. 409, p. 686-691, 2011
  • 6-HENDGES, Diogo Henrique ; Montanari, Queli ; MALVESSI, Eloane ; SILVEIRA, M. M. . Production and characterization of endo-polygalacturonase from Aspergillus niger in solid-state fermentation in double-surface bioreactor. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (Impresso), v. 54, p. 253-258, 2011.
  • 7-BETTIN, Fernanda ; da Rosa, Letícia Osório ; Montanari, Queli ; Calloni, Raquel ; Gaio, Tamara Aparecida ; MALVESSI, Eloane ; da Silveira, Mauricio Moura ; Dillon, Aldo José Pinheiro . Growth kinetics, production, and characterization of extracellular laccases from Pleurotus sajor-caju PS-2001. Process Biochemistry (1991), v. 46, p. 758-764, 2011.
  • 8-Scola, Gustavo ; CONTE, Danusa ; Kappel, Virginia Dermacher ; Silva, Francilene ; Dutra, Sandra Valduga ; Dal-Pizzol, Felipe ; MOREIRA, José Cláudio Fonseca ; SALVADOR, M. . Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of freeze-dried aqueous grape seed extracts. Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso), v. XX, p. XX, 2011.
  • 9-BERTE, K. ; Beux, Márcia ; SPADA, P. K. W. D. S. ; SALVADOR, M. ; Ribani, Rosemary . Chemical composition and Antioxidant Activity of Yerba-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A.St. Hill., Aquifoliaceae) Extract as Obtained by Spray Drying. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, v. XX, p. XX-XX, 2011.
  • 10-Gemelli, Tanise ; Carvalho, Carlos Augusto Souza ; Andrade, Rodrigo Binkowski ; Guerra, Robson Brum ; OLIBONI, Lívia Soldatelli ; SALVADOR, M. ; DANI, Caroline ; FUNCHAL, C. . THE ORGANOCHALCOGEN 3-METYL-1-PHENYL-2-(PHENYLSELENO)OCT-2-EN-1-ONE INDUCES OXIDATIVE STRESS IN HEART, LIVER AND KIDNEY OF RATS. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, v. XX, p. XX, 2011.
  • 11-DANI, Caroline ; ANGHINONI, J. C. ; CALLONI, C. ; SALVADOR, M. ; SPADA, P. K. . Viabilidade celular de cultura de linfócitos. Ciência em Movimento (Impresso), v. 12, p. 95-101, 2011.
  • 12-Leal Junior, Ernesto Cesar Pinto ; Baroni, B. ; Rossi, Rafael Paolo ; Godoi, Vanessa ; MARCHI, T. ; Tomazoni, Shaiane ; Almeida, Patrícia ; SALVADOR, M. ; Grosselli, Douglas ; Generosi, Rafael Abeche ; Basso, Maira ; Mancalossi, José Luis ; Brandão, Rodrigo Álvaro ; Martins, Lopes . Light Emitting Diode Therapy (LEDT) Applied Pre-Exercise Inhibits Lipid Peroxidation in Athletes After High-Intensity Exercise. A Preliminary Study. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte (Impresso), v. 17, p. 8-12, 2011.
  • 13-Moura, Sidnei ; Thomassigny, Christine ; Ligeour, Caroline ; Greck, Christine ; Joseph, Delphine ; Drège, Emmanuelle ; Dumas, Françoise . Asymmetric aza-Michael addition under ultra-high pressure: short bias to polyhydroxylated piperidines. Green Chemistry (Print), p. 000-000, 2011.
  • 14-CASTRO, P. A. ; SAVOLDI, M. ; BONATTO, D. ; BARROS, M. H. ; GOLDMAN, M. H. S. ; BERRETTA, A. A. ; GOLDMAN, G. H. . Molecular characterization of propolis induced cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Eukaryotic Cell, v. 10, p. 398-411, 2011.
  • 15 - de Souza, C.F.V. ; Venzke, J.G. ; Rosa, R.M. ; Henriques, J.A.P. ; Dallegrave, E. ; Flores, S.H. ; Ayub, M.A.Z. . Toxicological Evaluation for Food Applications of Transglutaminase from a Newly Isolated Bacillus circulans BL32. American journal of food technology, v. 6, p. 460-471, 2011.
  • 16 - MARCHI, T. ; Leal Junior, Ernesto Cesar Pinto ; Bortoli, Celiana ; Tomazoni, Shaiane Silva ; Lopes-Martins, Rodrigo Álvaro Brandão ; Salvador, Mirian . Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in human progressive-intensity running: effects on exercise performance, skeletal muscle status and oxidative stress. Lasers in Medical Science, v. XX, p. XX-XX, 2011.
  • 17 - CASSINI, Carina ; CALLONI, C. ; BORTOLINI, Giovana Vera ; Garcia, Solange C. ; Dornelles, Marco Aurélio ; HENRIQUES, J A P ; ERDTMANN, Bernardo ; SALVADOR, M. . Oxidative stress and genotoxicity in workers occupationally exposed to paints. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, v. 24, p. 01-12, 2011.
  • 18 - Medina, Aline Lisboa ; Haas, Lírio Inácio Reckziegel ; Chaves, Fábio Clasen ; SALVADOR, M. ; Zambiazi, Rui Carlos ; Silva, Wladimir Padilha ; Nora, Leonardo ; Rombaldi, Cesar Valmor . Araçá (Psidium cattleianum Sabine) fruit extracts with antioxidant and antimicrobial activities and antiproliferative effect on human cancer cells. Food Chemistry, v. 128, p. 916-922, 2011.
  • 19 - SILVA, Wilson Castro ; Martins, João Ricardo de Souza ; Cesio, Maria Veronica ; Azevedo, João Lúcio ; Heinzen, Horacio ; Barros, Neiva Monteiro de . Acaricidal activity of Palicourea marcgravii, a species from the Amazon forest, on cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Veterinary Parasitology (Print), p. 189-194, 2011.
  • 20 - de Ávila e Silva, S. ; Gerhardt, G. ; Echeverrigaray, S. . Rules extraction form neural networks applied to the prediction and recognition of prokaryotic promoters. Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso), v. 34, p. 353-360, 2011.
  • 21 - WOLHEIM, Claudia ; GUERRRA, I. M. F. ; CONTE, Vania D ; HOFFMAN, S P ; SCHREINER, F. ; DELAMARE, Ana Paula Longaray ; BARTH, Afonso L ; Echeverrigaray, Sergio ; Costa, S.O.P. . Nosocomial and community infections due to class A extended-spectrum B-lactamase (ESBLA)-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. in southern Brazil. The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases (Impresso), v. 15, p. 138-143, 2011.
  • 22 - FRONZA, Edegar ; Specht, Alexandre ; CORSEUIL, Elio . Butterflies and moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) associated with erva-mate, the South American Holly (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.), in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.. Check List (São Paulo. Online), v. 7, p. 496-504, 2011.
  • 23 - Soares, D. G. ; Battistella A ; Rocca CJ ; MATUO, Renata ; HENRIQUES, J.A.P ; LARSEN, A ; Escargueil, A. E. . Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related kinase drives both the early and the late DNA damage response to the monofunctional antitumor alkylator S23906. Biochemical Journal (London. 1984), v. 437, p. 63-73, 2011.
  • 24 - Soares, Daniele G. ; Machado, Miriana da Silva ; Rocca, C.J. ; Poindessous, V. ; Quaret, D. ; Sarasin, A. ; Galmarini, C.M. ; Henriques, J. A. P. ; Escargueil, A. E. ; Larsen, A. K. . Trabectedin and its C Subunit Modified Analogue PM01183 Attenuate Nucleotide Excision Repair and Show Activity toward Platinum-Resistant Cells.. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, v. 10, p. 1481-1489, 2011.
  • 25 - SANDRI, Ivana Greice ; FONTANA, Roselei Claudete ; Barfknecht, Débora Menim ; SILVEIRA, M. M. . Clarification of fruit juices by fungal pectinases. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie / Food Science + Technology, v. 44, p. 2217-2222, 2011.
  • 26 - OLIBONI, Lívia Soldatelli ; DANI, Caroline ; FUNCHAL, C. ; HENRIQUES, J A P ; SALVADOR, M. . Hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, and renal-protective effects of organic and conventional grapevine leaf extracts (Vitis labrusca var. Bordo) on Wistar rat tissues. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso), v. 83, p. 1-9, 2011.
  • 27 - Greggio, Samuel ; de Paula, S. ; DEOLIVEIRA, I ; Trindade, Cristiano ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; Henriques, J. A. P. ; DACOSTA, J. C. . NAP prevents acute cerebral oxidative stress and protects against lon-term brain injury and cognitive impairment in a model of neonatal hypoxia-ischemia.. Neurobiology of Disease, v. 44, p. 152-159, 2011.
  • 1- TOZONI, Daniela ; ZACARIA, Jucimar ; Vanderlinde, Regina ; Delamare, Ana Paula Longaray ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Degradation of citronellol, citronellal and citronellyl acetate by Pseudomonas mendocina IBPse 105. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, v. 13, p. 1-7, 2010.
  • 2- POLETTO, Nadine Paese ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas ; BONATTO, D. . Relationship between endoplasmic reticulum- and Golgi-associated calcium homeostasis and 4-NQO-induced DNA repair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Archives of Microbiology, v. 192, p. 247-257, 2010.
  • 3- MATUO, Renata ; SOUSA, Fabrício Garmus ; escargueil, alexandre e. ; SOARES, Daniele Grazziotin ; GRIVICICH, Ivana ; Larsen Annette ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . DNA repair pathways involved in repair of lesions induced by 5-fluorouracil and its active metabolite FdUMP.. Biochemical Pharmacology, v. 79, p. 147-153, 2010.
  • 4- RUBINI, M.R. ; Dillon, A.J.P. ; Kyaw, C.M. ; Faria, F.P. ; Poças-Fonseca, M.J. ; Silva-Pereira, I. . Cloning, characterization and heterologous expression of the first cellulase gene. Journal of Applied Microbiology, v. 108, p. 1187-1198, 2010.
  • 5- MAGANHA, Elemar Gomes ; HALMENSCHLAGER, Rafael da Costa ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; Henriques, João Antonio Pegas ; RAMOS, Ana Lígia Lia de Paula ; SAFFI, Jenifer . Pharmacological evidences for the extracts and secondary metabolites from plants of the genus Hibiscus. Food Chemistry, v. 118, p. 1-10, 2010.
  • 6- SAFFI, Jenifer ; Agnoletto, Mateus H. ; Guecheva, Temenouga N. ; Batista, Luís F.Z. ; Carvalho, Helotonio ; Henriques, João A.P. ; Stary, Anne ; Menck, Carlos F.M. ; sarasin, alain . Effect of the anti-neoplastic drug doxorubicin on XPD-mutated DNA repair-deficient human cells. DNA Repair (Print), v. 9, p. 40-47, 2010.
  • 7- ELY, M. R. ; Leipold, Alexandra ; Nees, Matthias ; Holzinger, Dana ; Dietz, Andreas ; Flechtenmacher, Christa ; Wolf, Thomas ; Zapatka, Marc ; Bosch, Franz X. . Proteomic analysis of field cancerization in pharynx and oesophagus: a prospective pilot study. Journal of Pathology, p. n/a-n/a, 2010.
  • 8- DANI, Caroline ; OLIBONI, Lívia Soldatelli ; AGOSTINI, F. ; FUNCHAL, C. ; SERAFINI, Luciana Atti ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; SALVADOR, M. . Phenolic content of grapevine leaves (Vitis labrusca var. Bordo) and its neuroprotective effect against peroxide damage. Toxicology in Vitro, v. 24, p. 148-153, 2010.
  • 9- PINHEIRO, F. V. ; Pimentel, V. C. ; De Bona, K. S. ; Scola, G. ; SALVADOR, M. ; FUNCHAL, C. ; Moretto, M. B. . Decrease of adenosine deaminase activity and increase of the lipid peroxidation after acute methotrexate treatment in young rats: protective effects of grape seed extract. Cell Biochemistry and Function, v. 28, p. 89-94, 2010.
  • 10- BRANCO, Cátia S. ; Garcez, Márcia E. ; Pasqualotto, Fábio F. ; Erdtman, Bernardo ; Salvador, Mirian . Resveratrol and ascorbic acid prevent DNA damage induced by cryopreservation in human semen?. Cryobiology (Print), v. 60, p. 235-237, 2010.
  • 11-GARCEZ, M. E. S. ; Branco, Cátia ; LARA, Luana Venturin ; PASQUALOTTO, Fabio Firmbach ; SALVADOR, M. . Effects of resveratrol supplementation on cryopreservation medium of human semen. Fertility and Sterility, v. x, p. x-x, 2010.
  • 12- PAULA, D. A. J. ; OLIVEIRA FILHO, J. X. ; Silva, M. C. ; COLODEL, E. M. ; BROETTO, L. ; PINTO, P. M. ; SCHRANK, A. ; NAKAZATO, L. ; DUTRA, V. . Molecular characterization of ovine zygomycosis in central western Brazil. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, v. 22, p. 274-277, 2010.
  • 13- CANSIAN, Rogerio Luis ; MOSSI, Altemir José ; Di-Luccio, Marco ; CECHET, M.L. ; MAZUTTI, Marcio ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Molecular identification of pollen donor plants on a progeny of Cambona-4 female matrix of maté (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil. Aquifoliaceae). Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences (Impresso), v. 32, p. 39-42, 2010.
  • 14- ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio ; ZACARIA, Jucimar ; Beltrão, Ricardo . Nematicidal Activity of Monoterpenoids Against the Root-Knot Nematode. Phytopathology, v. 100, p. 199-203, 2010.
  • 15- MOURA, Sidnei ; Pinto, Ernani . Synthesis of Cyclic Guanidine Intermediates of Anatoxin-a(s) in Both Racemic and Enantiomerically Pure Forms. Synlett (Stuttgart), v. 2010, p. 967-969, 2010.
  • 16- MOURA, Sidnei ; Carvalho, Felipe Garcia ; De Oliveira, Carolina Dizioli Rodrigues ; Pinto, Ernani ; Yonamine, Mauricio . qNMR: An applicable method for the determination of dimethyltryptamine in ayahuasca, a psychoactive plant preparation. Phytochemistry Letters, p. 0000-0000, 2010.
  • 17 - Poletto, G.; BENEDETTI, Augusto Jobim; BARROS, Neiva Monteiro de; VARGAS, L.R. B.; SPECHT, A. . Aucula magnifica (Schaus) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Agaristinae): morphology of egg and last instar larvae. Brazilian Journal of Biology (Online), v. 70, p. 373-380, 2010.
  • 18 - Renata C Ferreira; BRAGA, Daniela Paes de Almeida Ferreira; BONETTI, Tatiana Carvalho de Souza; PASQUALOTTO, F. F.; IACONELLI JR, Assumpto; BORGES JÚNIOR, E.. NEGATIVE INFLUENCE OF PATERNAL AGE ON CLINICAL ICSI CYCLE OUTCOMES IN OLIGOZOOSPERMIC PATIENTS. Fertility and Sterility, v. 93, p. 1870-1874, 2010.
  • 19 - BORGES JÚNIOR, E. ; BRAGA, Daniela Paes de Almeida Ferreira; BONETTI, Tatiana Carvalho de Souza; PASQUALOTTO, F. F.; IACONELLI JR, Assumpto. PREDICTIVE FACTORS OF REPEATED SPERM ASPIRATION SUCCESS. Urology International, v. 93, p. 1870-1874, 2010.
  • 20 - BRAGA, Daniela Paes de Almeida Ferreira; FIGUEIRA, R. C.; Renata C Ferreira; PASQUALOTTO, F. F.; IACONELLI JR, Assumpto; BORGES JÚNIOR, E.. Contribution of in-vitro maturation in ovarian stimulation cycles of poor-responder patients. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, v. 20, p. 335-340, 2010.
  • 21 - ROEHRS, Rafael; Freitas, Daniela R.J.; Masuda, Aoi; HENRIQUES, J. A. P.; GUECHEVA, T. N. ; RAMOS, Ana Lígia Lia de Paula ; SAFFI, Jenifer. Effect of vitamin A treatment on superoxide dismutase-deficient yeast strains. Archives of Microbiology, v. 192, p. 221-228, 2010.
  • 22 - Degrandi, Tiago Hoerbe ; OLIVEIRA, Iuri Marques de; DALMEIDA, G. S.; Garcia, Cícero Rafael Leão; VILLELA, Izabel Vianna; GUECHEVA, T. N.; ROSA, Renato Moreira; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . EVALUATION OF THE CYTOTOXICITY, GENOTOXICITY, AND MUTAGENICITY OF DIPHENYL DITELLURIDE IN SEVERAL BIOLOGICAL MODELS. Mutagenesis, v. 25, p. 257-269, 2010.
  • 23 - Stefenon, C.A.; Colombo, M. ; Bonesi, C. de M.; Marzarotto, V.; Vanderlinde, R.; SALVADOR, M.; Henriques, J.A.P. . Antioxidant activity of sparkling wines produced by Champenoise and Charmat methods. Food Chemistry, v. 119, p. 12-18, 2010.
  • 24 - Boldo, Juliano Tomazzoni ; Amaral, Karina Bohrer do ; Junges, Angela; Pinto, Paulo Marcos; Staats, Charley Christian ; Vainstein, Marilene Henning ; Schrank, Augusto . Evidence of alternative splicing of the chi2 chitinase gene from Metarhizium anisopliae. Gene (Amsterdam), v. 462, p. 1-7, 2010.
  • 25 - Vanessa Gressler; Moura, Sidnei; FLORES, Alex F C; Flores, D. C.; pio colepicolo; Pinto, Ernani . Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of 2-(4,5-Dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-pyrimidine and 1-Carboxamidino-1H pyrazole derivatives. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Online), v. 21, p. 1477-1483, 2010.
  • 1- CAMASSOLA, Marli ; Dillon, Aldo J.P. . Biological pretreatment of sugar cane bagasse for the production of cellulases and xylanases by Penicillium echinulatum. Industrial Crops and Products, v. 29, p. 642-647, 2009.
  • 2- RASERA, K. ; Ferla, J. ; Dillon, A.J.P. ; Riveiros, R. ; Zeni, Mara . Immobilization of laccase from Pleurotus sajor-caju in polyamide membranes. Desalination (Amsterdam), v. 245, p. 657-661, 2009.
  • 3- BETTIN, Fernanda ; Montanari, Queli ; CALLONI, Raquel ; Gaio, Tamara A. ; Silveira, Mauricio M. ; Dillon, Aldo J. P. . Production of laccases in submerged process by Pleurotus sajor-caju PS-2001 in relation to carbon and organic nitrogen sources, antifoams and Tween 80. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, v. 36, p. 1-9, 2009.
  • 4- SPECHT, A. ; CORSEUIL, E. ; BENEDETTI, Augusto Jobim ; Poletto, G. ; FORMENTINI, Aline Carraro . Aspectos biológicos e morfológicos de Leucanella viridescens (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae: Hemileucinae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia (Impresso), v. 26, p. 25-31, 2009.
  • 5- SPECHT, A. ; Azevedo, João Lúcio ; Lima, Elza Áurea de Luna Alves ; Boldo, Juliano Tomazzoni ; Martins, Mayra Kassawara ; Lorini, Lisete Maria ; Barros, Neiva Monteiro . Ocorrência do fungo entomopatogênico Isaria javanica (Frieder. & Bally) Samson & Hywell-Jones (Fungi, Sordariomycetes) em lagartas de Lonomia obliqua Walker (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae, Hemileucinae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (Impresso), v. 53, p. 493-494, 2009.
  • 6- BERTHOLDO-VARGAS, L. R. ; MARTINS, J. N. ; BORDIN, D. ; SALVADOR, M. ; SCHÄFER, A. ; BARROS, N. M. ; BARBIERI, L. ; STIRPE, F. ; CARLINI, C. R. . Type 1 ribosome-inactivating proteins - Entomotoxic, oxidative and genotoxic action on Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner) and Spotoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae). Journal of Insect Physiology, v. 55, p. 51-58, 2009.
  • 7- ZACARIA, Jucimar ; Delamare, Ana Paula Longaray ; COSTA, Sergio Olavo Pinto da ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Diversity of extracellular proteases among Aeromonas determined by zymogram analysis. Journal of Applied Microbiology, v. 10111, p. 1-8, 2009.
  • 8- DANI, Caroline ; Oliboni, Lívia S. ; Vanderlinde, Regina ; Pra, Daniel ; Dias, Johnny F. ; Yoneama, Maria Lucia ; BONATTO, D. ; SALVADOR, Mirian ; Henriques, João A.P. . Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic and Mineral Content of Rose Grape Juice. Journal of Medicinal Food, v. 12, p. 188-192, 2009.
  • 9- LAMBERT, A. P. ; ZANDONAI, A. ; BONATTO, D. ; MACHADO, D. C. ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas . Differentiation of human adipose-derived adult stem cells into neuronal tissue: does it work?. Differentiation (London), v. 77, p. 221-228, 2009.
  • 10- POLETTO, Nadine Paese ; ROSADO, Joemerson Osório ; BONATTO, D. . Evaluation of Cytotoxic and Cytostatic Effects in by Poissoner Quantitative Drop Test. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, v. 104, p. 71-75, 2009.
  • 11- MATIAS, Fernanda ; BONATTO, D. ; PADILLA, G. ; RODRIGUES, M. F. A. ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas . Polyhydroxyalkanoates production by actinobacteria isolated from soil. Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Online), v. 55, p. 790-800, 2009.
  • 12- BAREA, Fernanda ; BONATTO, D. . Aging defined by a chronologic-replicative protein network in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: an interactome analysis. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (Print), v. 130, p. 444-460, 2009.
  • 13- de OLIVEIRA, Iuri Marques ; Zanotto-Filho, Alfeu ; MOREIRA, J. C. F. ; BONATTO, D. ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas . The role of two putative nitroreductases, Frm2p and Hbn1p, in the oxidative stress response in. Yeast (Chichester, England. Print), v. 27, p. 89-102, 2009.
  • 14- PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; BORGES JR, Edson ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin . Concepts and future trends in male germ cell cryobanking. Frontiers in Bioscience, v. 1, p. 367-380, 2009.
  • 15- FIGUEIRA, R. C. ; MADASCHI, Camila ; M Nichi ; RODRIGUES, Debora ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; IACONELLI JR, Assumpto ; BORGES JR, Edson . A comparison of post-thaw results between embryos arising from intracytoplasmic sperm injection using surgically retrieved or ejaculated spermatozoa.. Fertility and Sterility, v. 91, p. 727-732, 2009.
  • 16- BONETTI, Tatiana Carvalho de Souza ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; QUEIROZ, Priscila ; IACONELLI JR, Assumpto ; BORGES JR, Edson . Sperm banking for male cancer patients: social and semen profiles. International Braz J Urol (Online), v. 35, p. 190-197, 2009.
  • 17- PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; PASQUALOTTO, Elenora Bedin . Congelamento de espermatozoides para pacientes com cancer e a reproducao assistida. RBM. Revista Brasileira de Medicina (Rio de Janeiro), v. 66, p. 194-199, 2009.
  • 18- PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin ; LARA, Luana Venturin ; SALVADOR, Mírian ; BORGES, E. ; SOBREIRO, Bernardo Passos ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. . The role of enzymatic antioxidants detected in the follicular fluid and semen of infertile couples undergoing assisted reproduction. Human Fertility (Cambridge), v. 12, p. 166-171, 2009.
  • 19-PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; AGARWAL, Ashok . Varicocele and male infertility: an evidence based review. Archives of Medical Science, v. 5, p. s20-s27, 2009.
  • 20- MATUO, Renata ; SOUSA, Fabrício Garmus ; escargueil, alexandre e. ; GRIVICICH, Ivana ; garcia-santos daniel ; chies, josé artur bogo ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; larsen, anette k. ; HENRIQUES, J . 5-Fluorouracil and its active metabolite FdUMP cause DNA damage in human SW620 colon adenocarcinoma cell line. Journal of Applied Toxicology, v. 29, p. 308-316, 2009.
  • 21- MALUF, S ; PRA, D ; FRIEDRISCH, J ; BITTAR, C ; DASILVA, M ; HENRIQUES, J ; SILLA, L . Length of treatment and dose as determinants of mutagenicity in sickle cell disease patients treated with hydroxyurea. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, v. 27, p. 26-29, 2009.
  • 22- BEZERRA, Daniel Pereira ; VASCONCELLOS, Marne ; MACHADO, M. S. ; VILLELA, Izabel Vianna ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; Moura, Dinara Jaqueline ; PESSOA, Cláudia Do Ó ; MORAES FILHO, Manoel Odorico ; silveira edilberto rocha ; Lima Mary Anne Sousa ; Aquino Nayara C. ; Henriques, J. A. P. ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; COSTALOTUFO, Letícia Veras . Piplartine induces genotoxicity in eukaryotic, but not in prokaryotic, test systems.. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 55, p. 790-800, 2009.
  • 23- PEREIRA, Betina Kappel ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; SILVA, Juliana da ; Guecheva, Temenouga Nikolova ; OLIVEIRA, Iuri Marques de ; Ianistcki, Martus ; Benvegnú, Vinícius Cosmos ; Furtado, Gabriel Vasata ; Ferraz, Alexandre ; Richter, Marc François ; Henriques, João Antonio Pegas . Protective effects of three extracts from Antarctic plants against ultraviolet radiation in several biological models. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology, v. 96, p. 117-129, 2009.
  • 24- PRA, Daniel ; Rech Franke, Silvia ; Pegas Henriques, Joao ; Fenech, Michael . A Possible Link Between Iron Deficiency and Gastrointestinal Carcinogenesis. Nutrition and Cancer, v. 61, p. 415-426, 2009.
  • 25- MATIAS, Fernanda ; BONATTO, Diego ; Padilla, Gabriel ; Rodrigues, Maria Filomena de Andrade ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas . Polyhydroxyalkanoates production by actinobacteria isolated from soil. Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Online), v. 55, p. 790-800, 2009.
  • 26- PREISSLER, Thales ; Martins, Márcio Rodrigo ; Pardo-Andreu, Gilberto L. ; Henriques, João Antônio Pêgas ; Quevedo, João ; Delgado, Rene ; ROESLER, Rafael . extract (Vimang) impairs aversive memory without affecting open field behaviour or habituation in rats. Phytotherapy Research, v. 23, p. 859-862, 2009.
  • 27- GREGGIO, Samuel ; Rosa, Renato M. ; Dolganov, Alexandre ; de Oliveira, Iuri M. ; Menegat, Fernanda D. ; Henriques, João A.P. ; DaCosta, Jaderson C. . NAP prevents hippocampal oxidative damage in neonatal rats subjected to hypoxia-induced seizures. Neurobiology of Disease, p. 01-01, 2009.
  • 28- VIAU, C. M. ; Guecheva, Temenouga N. ; Sousa, F. G. ; Pungartnik, C. ; BRENDEL, M. ; SAFFI, J. ; Henriques, João Antonio Pêgas . SnCl2-induced DNA damage and repair inhibition of MMS-caused lesions in V79 Chinese hamster fibroblasts. Archives of Toxicology, v. 83, p. 769-775, 2009.
  • 29- MEIER, K M ; Figueiredo, M A ; KAMIMURA, M T ; LAURINO, J. P. ; MAGGIONI, R. ; Pinto, L S ; DELLAGOSTIN, O A ; Tesser, M B ; SAMPAIO, L A ; MARINS, Luis Fernando . Increased growth hormone (GH), growth hormone receptor (GHR), and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) gene transcription after hyperosmotic stress in the Brazilian flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, v. 35, p. 501-509, 2009.
  • 30- FLECK, Juliane. D ; Schwambach, Joséli ; ALMEIDA, M. E. ; YENDO, A. C. A. ; de Costa, F ; Gosmann, G. ; FETT NETO, Arthur Germano . Immunoadjuvant saponin production in seedlingsand micropropagated plants of Quillaja brasiliensis. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. Plant, v. 45, p. 2, 2009.
  • 31- GUTIERREZ, L. ; BUSSEL, J. D. ; PACURAR, D. I. ; SCHWAMBACH, J. ; PACURAR, M. ; BELLINI, C. . Phenotypic plasticity of adventitious rooting in Arabidopsis is controlled by complex regulation of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR transcripts and MicroRNA abundance. The Plant Cell, v. 21, p. 3119-3132, 2009.
  • 32- FONTANA, Roselei Claudete ; Polidoro, T.A. ; Silveira, Mauricio M. . Comparison of stirred tank and airlift bioreactors in the production of polygalacturonases by Aspergillus oryzae. Bioresource Technology, v. 100, p. 4493-4498, 2009.
  • 33- PERETTI, Fabíola Andreola ; Silveira, Mauricio M. ; ZENI, Mára . Use of electrodialysis technique for the separation of lactobionic produced by Zymomonas mobilis. Desalination (Amsterdam), v. 245, p. 626-630, 2009.
  • 34- BONIOLO, F.S. ; RODRIGUES, R. C. ; DELATORRE, E. O. ; SILVEIRA, M. M. ; FLORES, V. M. Q. ; BERBERT-MOLINA, M. A. . Glycine betaine enhances growth of nitrogen fixing bacteria Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAL5 under saline stress conditions. Current Microbiology (Print), v. 59, p. 593-599, 2009.
  • 35- MATTÉ, Cristiane ; Mackedanz, Vanize ; Stefanello, Francieli M. ; Scherer, Emilene B.S. ; Andreazza, Ana C. ; Zanotto, Caroline ; Moro, Angela M. ; Garcia, Solange C. ; Gonçalves, Carlos A. ; ERDTMANN, Bernardo ; SALVADOR, M. ; Wyse, Angela T. S. . Chronic hyperhomocysteinemia alters antioxidant defenses and increases DNA damage in brain and blood of rats: Protective effect of folic acid. Neurochemistry International, v. 54, p. 7-13, 2009.
  • 36- SPADA, P. K. W. D. S. ; BORTOLINI, Giovana Vera ; DANI, Caroline ; FUNCHAL, C. ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas ; SALVADOR, M. . Frozen fruit pulp of Euterpe oleraceae Mart. (Acai) prevents hydrogen peroxide induced damage in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and hippocampus of rats. Journal of Medicinal Food, v. 12, p. 1084-1088, 2009.
  • 37- MACHADO, Miriana da Silva ; Villelaa, Izabel Vianna ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; SALVADOR, M. ; Lopes, Norberto P. ; Braga, Antonio Luiz ; Roesler, Rafael ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas . 3'3-ditrifluoromethyldiphenyl diselenide: a new organoselenium compound with interesting antigenotoxic and antimutagenic activities. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 673, p. 133-140, 2009.
  • 38- GIOVANARDI, Rafael ; Rhoden, E. L. ; Cerski, Carlos Thadeu ; SALVADOR, M. ; Kalil, Antonio Nocchi . Ischemic preconditioning protects the pig liver by preserving the mitochondrial structure and downregulating caspase-3 activity. Journal of Investigative Surgery, v. 2, p. 88-97, 2009.
  • 39- SCOLA, Gustavo ; Gambatto, Gabriela ; SPADA, P. K. W. D. S. ; SALVADOR, M. . Atividade biológica de semente de uva. Ciência em Movimento, v. 21, p. 13-20, 2009.
  • 40- DANI, Caroline ; OLIBONI, Lívia Soldatelli ; SALVADOR, M. ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Atividade antioxidante de folhas de parreira de Vitis labrusca. Ciência em Movimento, v. 21, p. 39-44, 2009.
  • 41- GIOVANARDI, Rafael Omar ; Rhoden, Ernani Luis ; Cerski, Carlos Thadeu ; SALVADOR, M. ; Kalil, Antonio Nocchi . Pharmacological Preconditioning Using Intraportal Infusion of L-Arginine Protects Against Hepatic Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. The Journal of Surgical Research (Print), v. 155, p. 244-253, 2009.
  • 42- DANI, Caroline ; Oliboni, Lívia S. ; Umezu, Fernanda M. ; Pasquali, Matheus A.B. ; Salvador, Mirian ; MOREIRA, José Cláudio Fonseca ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pegas . Antioxidant and Antigenotoxic Activities of Purple Grape Juice Organic and Conventional in Adult Rats. Journal of Medicinal Food, v. 12, p. 1111-1118, 2009.
  • 43- PENZ, Jordana ; Gemelli, Tanise ; Carvalho, Carlos Augusto Souza ; Guerra, Robson Brum ; Oliboni, Lívia ; Salvador, Mirian ; DANI, Caroline ; Araújo, Alex Sander ; Funchal, Cláudia . Effect of 3-butyl-1-phenyl-2-(phenyltelluro)oct-en-1-one on oxidative stress in cerebral cortex of rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, v. 47, p. 745-751, 2009.
  • 44- ROMBALDI, Fernanda ; CASSINI, Carina ; SALVADOR, M. ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; ERDTMANN, Bernardo . Occupational risk assessment of genotoxicity and oxidative stress in workers handling anti-neoplastic drugs during a working week. Mutagenesis, v. 24, p. 143-148, 2009.
  • 45- CARVALHO, Carlos Augusto Souza ; Gemelli, Tanise ; Guerra, Robson Brum ; OLIBONI, Lívia Soldatelli ; SALVADOR, M. ; DANI, Caroline ; Araújo, Alex Sander ; Mascarenhas, M ; FUNCHAL, C. . Effect of in vitro exposure of human serum to 3-butyl-1-phenyl-2-(phenyltelluro)oct-en-1-one on oxidative stress. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, v. 332, p. 127-134, 2009.
  • 46- SILVA, Wilson Castro ; Souza, H.E. ; Heinzen, Horacio ; CESIO, Maria Verônica ; MATO, M. ; ALBRECHT, Francine ; AZEVEDO, J. L. ; BARROS, N. M. . Toxicity of Piper aduncum L. (Piperales: Piperaceae) from the Amazon forest for the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae). Veterinary Parasitology (Print), v. 164, p. 267-274, 2009.
  • 47- SBEGHEN-LOSS, A. C. ; BARBOSA, E. G. G. ; MATO, M. ; CESIO, Maria Verônica ; FRIZZO, Caren Desire ; HEIZEN, Horácio ; BARROS, N. M. . Lime Wax influences feeding behavior of Cryptotermes brevis and the viability of its Foiana sp. symbionts. Sociobiology, v. 54, p. 647-659, 2009.
  • 48- MACHADO, C. X. ; PINTO, P. M. ; Zaha, A. ; FERREIRA, H. B. . A peroxiredoxin from Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae with a possible role in H2O2 detoxification. Microbiology (Reading), v. 155, p. 3411-3419, 2009.
  • 49- PINTO, Paulo. M ; Klein, Catia S ; ZAHA, Arnaldo ; Ferreira, Henrique B . Comparative proteomic analysis of pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains from the swine pathogen Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Proteome Science, v. 7, p. 45, 2009.
  • 50- ANGONESE, M. T. ; GIUSTINA, L. H. D. ; PANSERA, M. R. ; Pagno, R.S. ; MEZZOMO, F. ; ZORZI, E. ; PEREIRA, C. O. F. ; RIBEIRO, R. T. S. . Efeito Fungistático de Bacillus spp. sobre Fungos Fitopatogênicos. Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, v. 4, p. 97-100, 2009.
  • 51- SINIGAGLIA, Marialva ; Castro, Mauro A.A. ; Echeverrigaray, Sérgio ; Pereira, Gonçalo A.G. ; Mombach, José C.M. . Analysis of expression pathways alterations of Arabidopsis thaliana induced by a Necrosis- and Ethylene-inducing protein. Physica. A, p. 1, 2009.
  • 52- PAESI, Suelen ; Serafini, Eduardo Pretto ; Barea, Fernanda ; Madi, Sonia Regina Cabral ; Echeverrigaray, Sergio . High prevalence of human papillomavirus type 58 in patients with cervical pre-malignant lesions in southern Brazil. Journal of Medical Virology, v. 81, p. 1270-1275, 2009.
  • 53- MANICA-CATTANI, M. F. ; ZACARIA, J. ; PAULETTI, G. ; Atti-Serafini, L. ; Echeverrigaray, S. . Genetic variation among South Brazilian accessions of Lippia alba Mill. (Verbenaceae) detected by ISSR and RAPD markers. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 69, p. 375-380, 2009.
  • 54- ECHEVERRIGARAY, S ; ALBUQUERQUE, Marcos Roberto ; ZACARIA, Jucimar ; dos Santos, A. C. A. ; SERAFINI, Luciana Atti . Chemical variations on the essential oils of Cunila spicata Benth. (Lamiaceae), an aromatic and medicinal plant from south Brazil. The Journal of Essential Oil Research, v. 21, p. 241-245, 2009.
  • 55- MOSSI, Altemir José ; CANSIAN, Rogerio Luis ; LEONTIEVORLOV, Oleg ; Cechet, JL ; Carvalho, AZ ; Toniazzo, G ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Genetic diversity and conservation of native populations of Maytenus ilicifolia Nart. ex Reiss. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 69, p. 447-453, 2009.
  • 56- MOURA, Sidnei ; Ultramari, Mariah de Almeida ; de Paula, Daniela Mendes Louzada ; Yonamine, Mauricio ; Pinto, Ernani . 1H NMR determination of ?-N-methylamino-l-alanine (l-BMAA) in environmental and biological samples. Toxicon, v. 53, p. 578-583, 2009.
  • 57- PIRES, Ana Paula Salum ; De Oliveira, Carolina Dizioli Rodrigues ; Moura, Sidnei ; Dörr, Felipe Augusto ; Silva, Wagner Abreu E. ; Yonamine, Mauricio . Gas chromatographic analysis of dimethyltryptamine and -carboline alkaloids in ayahuasca, an amazonian psychoactive plant beverage. Phytochemical Analysis, v. 20, p. 149-153, 2009.
  • 1- AIT-BENICHOU, S. ; CABRAL, A. ; TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá . Evolution of biodegradation of deinking by-products used as alternative cover material. Waste Management (Elmsford), v. 28, p. 85-96, 2008.
  • 2- Bezerra Daniel Pereira ; MOURA, Dinara J ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; VASCONCELLOS, Marne ; SILVA, Ana Catarina Romano e ; MORAES FILHO, Manoel Odorico ; silveira edilberto rocha ; Lima Mary Anne Sousa ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; COSTALOTUFO, Letícia Veras ; SAFFI, Jenifer . Evaluation of the genotoxicity of piplartine, na alkamide of Piper tuberculatum, in yeast and mammalian V79 cells. (in press). Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 00, p. 00-01, 2008.
  • 3- CANSIAN, Rogerio Luis ; MOSSI, Altemir José ; MAZUTTI, Marcio ; OLIVEIRA, J V ; N. Paroul ; DARIVA, Cláudio ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Semi-volatile compounds variation among Brazilian populations of Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, v. 51, p. 175-181, 2008.
  • 4- CARDONE, Jacqueline Moraes ; BRENDEL, Martin ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . DNA Repair by polymerase & in Saccharomyces cerevisiae in not controlled by the proliferating cell nuclear antigen-like Rad17/Mec3/Ddc1 complex.. Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 7, p. 127-132, 2008.
  • 5- CARDONE, Jacqueline Moraes ; BRENDEL, Martin ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Repair by polymerase & in Saccharomyces cerevisiae in not controlled by the proliferating cell nuclear antigen-like Rad17/Mec3/Ddc1 complex. (in press). Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 7, p. 127-132, 2008.
  • 6- CAVALCANTE, Ana Amélia Melo ; PICADA, Jaqueline Nascimento ; RUBENSAM, Gabriel ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Antimutagenic activities of cashew apple juice (Anacardium occidentale) and cajuina against methyl methanesulfonate, 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide and benzo[a]pyrene. (in press). Genetics and Molecular Biology, v. 00, p. 00-01, 2008.
  • 7- CAVALCANTI, B C ; MOURA, Dinara J ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; MORAES, M O ; Araujo E.C.C ; Lima, M.A.S ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; PESSOA, C ; COSTALOTUFO, L V . Genotoxic Effects of Transhinones from Hyptis martiusii in V79 Cell Line.. Food and Chemical Toxicology, v. 46, p. 388-392, 2008.
  • 8- DANI, Caroline ; PASQUALI, M. ; Oliveira, marcos ; Umezu, Fernanda ; SALVADOR, Mirian ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; MOREIRA, José Cláudio Fonseca . Protective effects of purple grape juice on carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in brains of adult Wistar rats.. Journal of Medicinal Food, v. 11, p. 55-61, 2008.
  • 9- DANI, Caroline ; Oliboni, Livia, S. ; PASQUALI, M. ; Oliveira Marcos R ; Umezu, Fernanda ; SALVADOR, Mirian ; MOREIRA, Jose Claudio Fonseca ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Intake of purple grape juice as a hepatoprotective agent in Wistar rats.. Journal of Medicinal Food, v. 11, p. 127-132, 2008.
  • 10- DANI, Caroline ; OLIBONI, Lívia Soldatelli ; Pasquali, Mateus A. B. ; OLIVEIRA, Marcos Roberto de ; UMEZU, Fernanda de Medeiros ; SALVADOR, M. ; MOREIRA, José Cláudio Fonseca ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas . Intake of purple grape juice as a hepatoprotective agent in Wistar rats. Journal of Medicinal Food, v. 11, p. 127-132, 2008.
  • 11- DANI, Caroline ; Pasquali, Mateus A. B. ; OLIVEIRA, Marcos Roberto de ; UMEZU, Fernanda de Medeiros ; SALVADOR, M. ; HENRIQUES, João A P ; MOREIRA, José Cláudio Fonseca . Protective effects of purple grape juice on carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in brains of adult Wistar rats. Journal of Medicinal Food, v. 11, p. 55-61, 2008.
  • 12- ESCARGUEIL, alexandre e. ; SOARES, Daniele Grazziotin ; SALVADOR, Mirian ; larsen, anette k. ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . What histone cód for DNA repair? (in press). Mutation Research. Reviews in Mutation Research, v. 00, p. 00-01, 2008.
  • 13- Escargueil, Alexandre E. ; SOARES, D. G. ; SALVADOR, M. ; LARSEN, Annete K ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas . What histone code for DNA repair?. Mutation Research, v. x, p. Epub ahead of p, 2008.
  • 14- FIGUEIRA, R. C. ; MADASCHI, Camila ; M Nichi ; RODRIGUES, Debora ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; IACONELLI JR, Assumpto ; BORGES JR, Edson . A comparison of post-thaw results between embryos arising from intracytoplasmic sperm injection using surgically retrieved or ejaculated spermatozoa.. Fertility and Sterility, v. Feb, p. 1-2, 2008.
  • 15- FRIEDRICH J ; PRÁ, Daniel ; S. W. Maluf ; C.M. Bittar ; M Mergener ; T A Pollo ; M Kyser ; Mal da Silva ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; L M Silla . DNA damage in blood leukocytes of individuals with sickle cell disease treated with hydroxyrea.. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 649, p. 213-220, 2008.
  • 16- GAMA, Clarissa Severino ; SALVADOR, M. ; ANDREAZZA, Ana Cristina ; LOBATO, Maria Ines ; Berk, Michael ; KAPCZINSKI, Flávio ; BELMONTE-DE-ABREU, P. S. . Elevated serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in clinically symptomatic males. Neuroscience Letters, v. 433, p. 270-273, 2008.
  • 17- HOCH, Nicolas Carlos ; SANTOS, Rafael dos ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; MACHADO, Roseani Magni ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; BRENDEL, Martin ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Allelism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene PSO10, involved in error-prone repair of psoralen-induced DNA damage , with SUMO ligase-encoding MMS21. (in press). Current Genetics, v. 00, p. 00-01, 2008.
  • 18- junior c m ; BONATTO, Diego ; PEREIRA, Albanin Aparecida Mielniczri ; DIAS, J F ; YONEAMA, Maria Lucia ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . The Pmr1 protein, the major yeast Ca2+ATPase in the Golgi, regulates intracellular levels of the cadmium ion. (in press). FEMS Microbiology Letters, v. 00, p. 00-01, 2008.
  • 19- LARA, Luana Venturin ; VIERO, Claudia Concer ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin . O impacto dos fatores ambientais na fertilidade. Jornal Brasileiro de Medicina, v. 94, p. 36-39, 2008.
  • 20- MARTINS, Leonardo Faria ; KOLLING, Daniel ; CAMASSOLA, Marli ; DILLON, Aldo José Pinheiro ; RAMOS, Luiz Pereira . Comparison of Penicillium echinulatum and Trichoderma reesei cellulases in relation to their activity against various cellulosic substrates.. Bioresource Technology, v. 99, p. 1417-1424, 2008.
  • 21- MASSAROTTO, Marines ; CRESPO, Janaína S ; ZATTERA, Ademir Jose ; ZENI, M. . Characterization of Ground Scraps from Shoe Industry. Materials Research, v. 11, p. 27-30, 2008.
  • 22- MEDINA, Luis Fernando da Costa ; VIAU, Cassiana M ; MOURA, Dinara J ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; STEFANI, Valter ; BRANDELLI, Adriano ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Genotoxicity of aminohydroxynaphthoquinones in bacteria, yeast, and Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells.. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 650, p. 140-149, 2008.
  • 23- Miorelli S T ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; MOURA, Dinara J ; ROCHA, J. C. ; Lobo L A ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; SAFFI, Jenifer . Antioxidant and anti-mutagenic effects of ebselen in yeast and in cultured mammalian V79 cells.. Mutagenesis, v. 23, p. 93-99, 2008.
  • 24- SILVA, Juliana da ; MORAES, Camila Rocha de ; HEUSER, Vanina ; ANDRADE, Vanessa ; SILVA, Fernanda ; KVITKO, Kátia ; EMMEL, Vanessa e ; Rohr Paula ; bordin paula ; andreazza ana ; SALVADOR, Mirian ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; ERDTMANN, Bernardo . Evaluation of Genetic Damage in a Brazilian Population Occupationally Exposed to Pesticides and its Correlation with Polymorphisms in Metabolizing Genes. (in press). Mutagenesis, v. 00, p. 00-01, 2008.
  • 25- SPADA Patrícia ; Souza Gabrielle de ; bortolini giovana ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; SALVADOR, Mirian . Antioxidants, Mutagenic and Mutagenic Activity of Frozen Fruits.. Journal of Medicinal Food, v. 11, p. 144-155, 2008.
  • 26- SPADA, Patricia D. S. ; de Souza, Gabrielle G. N. ; BORTOLINI, Giovana Vera ; HENRIQUES, João A P ; SALVADOR, M. . Antioxidant, Mutagenic and Antimutagenic Activity of Frozen Fruits. Journal of Medicinal Food, v. 11, p. 144-151, 2008.
  • 27- ZENI, M. ; RIVEROS, Raul ; SOUZA, Jadison Fabricio de ; MELLO, Katia ; Carla Meireles ; Rodrigues, G.F. . Morphologic analysis of porous polyamide 6,6 membranes prepared by phase inversion. Desalination (Amsterdam), v. 221, p. 294-297, 2008.
  • 28- ZENI, M. ; GRISA, Ana M C . Análise Termogravimétrica de Polímero Commoditie Polipropileno (PP) em Aterro Sanitário. Revista Iberoamericana de Polímeros, v. 9, p. 19-24, 2008.
  • 29- ZENI, M. ; SOUZA, Jadison F de ; FERRARINI, Eliane ; RIVEROS, Raul . Preparação e Caracterização de Membranas Enantioseletivas de Polissulfona com Lipase Imobilizada. Revista Iberoamericana de Polímeros, v. 9, p. 54-61, 2008.
  • 1- AGNOLETO, Mateus Hermes ; GUECHEVA, T. N. ; Donde Fernanda ; Oliveira Adriana F ; Franke, fábio ; Cassini, Catarina ; SALVADOR, Mirian ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; SAFFI, Jenifer . Association of low repair efficiency with high hormone receptors expression and SOD activity in breast cancer patients.. Clinical Biochemistry, v. 40, p. 1252-1258, 2007.
  • 2- AGNOLETO, Mateus ; GUECHEVA, Temenouga Nikolova ; Dondé, F ; OLIVEIRA, Adriana Fontes de ; FRANKE, Fábio ; CASSINI, Carina ; SALVADOR, M. ; HENRIQUES, Jão Antonio Pegas ; SAFFI, Jenifer . Association of low repair efficiency with high hormone receptors expression and SOD activity in breast cancer patients. Clinical Biochemistry, v. 40, p. 1252-1258, 2007.
  • 3- ALMEIDA, Marcelo Giusti ; ZENI, M. ; ZATTERA, Ademir J ; DEMORI, Renan . Morphological Analysis of Polyethylene Foams with Post-use Material Incorporated. Polymer Bulletin (Berlin), v. 483, p. 704, 2007.
  • 4- ANDREAZZA, Ana Cristina ; CASSINI, Carina ; ROSA, Adriane Ribeiro ; LEITE, Marina ; ALMEIDA, Lucia M V ; NARDIN, Patricia ; CUNHA, Angelo B N ; CERESER, Keila Maria ; SANTIN, Aida ; GOTTFRIED, Carmem ; SALVADOR, M. ; KAPCZINSKI, Flávio ; GONÇALVES, Carlos Alberto . Serum S100B and antioxidant enzymes in bipolar patients. Journal of Psychiatric Research, v. 41, p. 523-529, 2007.
  • 5- ANDREAZZA, Ana Cristina ; FREY, Benício N ; ERDTMANN, Bernardo ; SALVADOR, M. ; ROMBALDI, Fernanda ; SANTIN, Aida ; GONÇALVES, Carlos Alberto ; KAPCZINSKI, Flávio . DNA Damage in Bipolar Disorder. Psychiatry Research, v. 153, p. 27-32, 2007.
  • 6- BONATTO, D. . A systems biology analysis of protein-protein interactions between yeast superoxide dismutases and DNA repair pathways. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, v. 43/44, p. 557-567, 2007.
  • 7- BONATTO, D. ; SOARES, Daniele Grazziotin ; ESCARGUEIL, A. E. ; POINDESSOUS, V. ; SARASIN, A. ; GRAMONT, A. ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas ; LARSEN, Annette . Replication and homologous recombination repair regulate DNA double strand break formation by the antitumor alkylator ecteinascidin 743. PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v. 104, p. 13062-13067, 2007.
  • 8- BONATTO, D. ; DANI, C. ; OLIBONI, L. S. ; VANDERLINDE, R. ; SALVADOR, Mirian ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas . Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activities of White and Purple Juices Manufactured with Organically- or Conventionally-Produced Grapes. Food and Chemical Toxicology, v. 45, p. 2574-2580, 2007.
  • 10- BRAGA, Daniela Paes de Almeida Ferreira ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; REIS, Camila Madaschi ; BONETTI, Tatiana Carvalho de Souza ; RODRIGUEZ, Debora ; IACONELLI JR, Assumpto ; BORGES JR, Edson . THE USE OF PIG OOCYTES FOR TRAINING NEW PROFESSIONAL IN HUMAN ASSISTED REPRODUCTION LABORATORY. Fertility and Sterility, Estados Unidos, 2007.
  • 11- C.L., F. L. ; ARAÚJO, W. L. ; E.A., S. ; AZEVEDO, J. L. ; PACOLLAMEIRELLES, Luzia . Colletotrichum sublineolum genetic instability assessed by mutants resistante to chlorate. Mycological Research, v. 111, p. 93-105, 2007.
  • 12- CAMASSOLA, Marli ; DILLON, Aldo José Pinheiro . Production of cellulases and hemicellulase by Penicillium echinulatum grown on pretreatment sugar cane bagasse and wheat bran in solid-state fermentation. Journal of Applied Microbiology, v. 103, p. 2196-2204, 2007.
  • 13- CAMASSOLA, Marli ; DILLON, Aldo José Pinheiro . Effect of methylxanthines on production of cellulases by Penicillium echinulatum. Journal of Applied Microbiology, Estados Unidos, v. 102, p. 478-485, 2007.
  • 14- CARRER, R. P. ; VANDERLINDE, Regina ; DUTRA, Sandra Valduga ; MARCON, Angela Rossi ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Essential oil variation among Brazilian accessions of Salvia gruaranitica L. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, v. 22, p. 430-434, 2007.
  • 15- DANI, Caroline ; Oliboni, Livia, S. ; Vanderlinde, Regina ; BONATTO, Diego ; SALVADOR, Mirian ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Phenolic content and antioxidant activities of white and Purple Juices Manufactured with Organically or Conventionally-Produced Grapes.. Food and Chemical Toxicology, v. 45, p. 2574-2580, 2007.
  • 16- DANI, Caroline ; Oliboni, Livia, S. ; SALVADOR, Mirian ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Suco de uva: seus componentes e atividades benéficas à saúde. Ciência em Movimento, v. 18, p. 7-18, 2007.
  • 17- DANI, Caroline ; OLIBONI, Lívia Soldatelli ; SALVADOR, M. ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Suco de uva: seus componentes e atividades benéficas à saúde. Ciência em Movimento, v. 2, p. 1-12, 2007.
  • 18- DANI, C. ; OLIBONI, L. S. ; VANDERLINDE, R. ; BONATTO, D. ; SALVADOR, M. ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Phenolic content and antioxidant activities of white and purple juices manufactured with organically- or conventionally-produced grapes. Food and Chemical Toxicology, v. 45, p. 2574-2580, 2007.
  • 19- DANI, Caroline ; OLIBONI, Lívia Soldatelli ; VANDERLINDE, Regina ; BONATTO, Diego ; SALVADOR, M. ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas . Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activities of White and Purple Juices Manufactured with Organically- or Conventionally-Produced Grapes. Food and Chemical Toxicology, v. 45, p. 2571-2580, 2007.
  • 20- CERQUEIRA, Daniel A. ; MELLO, Katia ; ZENI, M. ; Rodrigues, G.F. ; Assunção, . Characterization of cellulose triacetate membranes, produced from sugarcane bagasse, using PEG 600 as aditive. Polymer Bulletin (Berlin), v. 60, p. 10.107, 2007.
  • 21- DELAMARE, A. P. L. ; PISTORELLO, I T M ; ARTICO, Liane de Oliveira ; SERAFINI, L A ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Antibacterial activity of the essential oils of Salvia officinalis L. and Salvia triloba L. cultivated in South Brazil. Food Chemistry, v. 100, p. 603-608, 2007.
  • 22- DELAMARE, Ana Paula Longaray ; PISTORELLO, Ivete T Moschen ; ARTICO, Liane de Oliveira ; SERAFINI, Luciana Atti ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Antibacterial activity of the essential oils of Salvia officinalis L. and Salvia triloba L. cultivated in South Brazil.. Food Chemistry, v. 100, p. 603-608, 2007.
  • 23- de OLIVEIRA, I. M. ; HENRIQUES, João Antonio Pêgas ; BONATTO, D. . In silico identification of a new group of specific bacterial and fungal nitroreductases-like proteins. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, v. 355, p. 919-925, 2007.
  • 24- FREY, Benício N ; ANDREAZZA, Ana Cristina ; KUNZ, Maurício ; GOMES, Fabiano A ; QUEVEDO, João ; SALVADOR, M. ; GONÇALVES, Carlos Alberto ; KAPCZINSKI, Flávio . Incresead oxidative stress and DNA damage in bipolar disorder: A twin-case report. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, v. 31, p. 283-285, 2007.
  • 25- FIEDLER, Gustavo ; TONETTO, Luciana Luchese ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. . Obstrucao dos dusctos ejaculadores: diagnostico e tratamento. Urologia Contemporânea, v. XIII, p. 431-436, 2007.
  • 26- FIEDLER, Gustavo ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. . Razoes para o insucesso da reversao de vasectomia. Urologia Contemporanea, Sao Paulo, v. XIII, p. 275-278, 2007.
  • 27- FONSECA, Gabriela Poglia ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin ; FERREIRA, Ramon Venzon ; SILVA, Matheus Luis da ; ZAGO, Bibiana Eliza ; GARBIN JUNIOR, Claudio ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. . Sazonalidade e qualidade do semen humano em pacientes ferteis. Revista AMRIGS, Porto Alegre, 2007.
  • 28- FRIEDLER, G. ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. . Relogio Biologico Masculino: tempo de despertar. Urologia Contemporânea, v. 13, p. 399-402, 2007.
  • 29- FUJIHIRA, Erika ; FERREIRA, R C C ; COSTA, S. O. P. ; FERREIRA, L.c.s. . Oligopeptide uptake and aminoglycoside resistance in Escherichi coli K12. FEMS Microbiology Letters, v. 269, p. 229-233, 2007.
  • 30- GRIVICICH, Ivana ; REGNER, Andrea ; zanoni c. ; correa larissa procópio ; Jotz Geraldo pereira ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; SCHWARTSMANN, Gilberto ; ROCHA, Adriana B da . Hsp70 response to 5-fluorouracil treatment in human colon cancaer cell lines.. International Journal of Colorectal Disease, v. 22, p. 1201-1208, 2007.
  • 31- GUERRA, I. M. ; FADANELLI, R ; FIGUEIRO, M. ; SCHREINER, F. ; DELAMARE, A P ; WOLLHEIM, C ; COSTA, S. O. P. ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, S. . Aeromonas associated diarrhoeal disease in south Brazil: prevalence, virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, v. 38, p. 1-9, 2007.
  • 32- GUERRA, Ivani M F ; FADANELLI, Raquel ; FIGUEIRÓ, Manuela ; SCHREINER, Fernando J ; DELAMARE, Ana Paula L ; WOLHEIM, Claudia ; COSTA, Sergio Olavo Pinto da ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Aeromonas associated diarrhoeal disease in south Brazil: prevalence, virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, v. 38, p. 638-643, 2007.
  • 33- GUERRA, Ivani M F ; FADANELLI, Raquel ; FIGUEIRÓ, Manuela ; SCHREINER, Fernando J ; DELAMARE, Ana Paula L ; WOLHEIM, Claudia ; COSTA, Sergio Olavo Pinto da ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Aeromonas associated diarrhoeal disease in south Brazil: prevalence, virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, v. 38, p. 638-643, 2007.
  • 34- GUERRA, I. M. F. ; FADANELLI, Raquel ; FIGUEIRÓ, Manuela Peletti ; SCHREINER, F. ; DELAMARE, A. P. L. ; WOLLHEIM, C. ; COSTA, Sergio Olavo Pinto da ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Aeromonas associated diarrhoeal disease in South Brazil: prevalence, virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, v. 38, p. 638-643, 2007.
  • 35- FILHO Guimes Rodrigues; MELLO, Katia ; ZENI, M. . Blend compatibility of waste materials-cellulose acetate(from sugarcane bagasse) with polyestirene (from plastic cups): Diffusion of water, FTIR,DSC,TGA, and SEM study. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 104, p. 909-914, 2007.
  • 36- HEUSER, V. D. ; ERDTMANN, B. ; KVITKO, Kátia ; ROHR, P. ; SILVA, J. . Multiple biomarkers in evaluation of DNA damage in Brazilian tannery workers (submetido) .. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 000, p. 000, 2007.
  • 37- LACAVA, P. T. ; ARAUJO, W L ; AZEVEDO, João Lucio ; HARTUNG, J S ; AZEVEDO, J. L. The endophyte curtobacterium flaccumfaciens reduces symptoms caused by Xylella fastidiosa in Cathatanthus roseus. Journal of Microbiology, v. 45, p. 388-393, 2007.
  • 38- LACAVA, P T ; ARAUJO, W. L. ; AZEVEDO, J. L. . Evaluation of endophytic colonization of Citrus sinensis and Cathatanthus roseus seedilings by endophytic bacteria. Journal of Microbiology, v. 45, p. 11-14, 2007.
  • 39- LANZER, R. ; MULLER, M. ; DUMCKE, M. ; RASERA, K. . Comparação de Testes Ecotoxicológicos com Biomphalaria tenagophila (Orbigny, 1835) e Daphnia magna (Straus, 1820) utilizando Remazol Brilliant Blue R e àgua de Arroio Urbano. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Toxicology, v. 2, p. 27-32, 2007.
  • 40- LARA, Luana Venturin ; VIERO, Claudia Concer ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. . O laboratorio de andrologia como ajuda dianostica para casais pesquisando infertilidade. Reprodução e Climatério, São Paulo, v. 22, p. 20-24, 2007.
  • 41- LEMOS, Clarice Torres ; RODEL, Patrícia Milan ; TERRA, Nara Regina ; OLIVEIRA, N Cristina D'ávila de ; ERDTMANN, B. . River water genotoxicity evaluation using micronucleus assay in fish erythrocytes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, v. 66, p. 391-401, 2007.
  • 42- LIMA, Maria N. ; Torres Juliana P. ; Caldana Fábio ; Grazziotin, Manoela M. ; Scalco, Felipe S. ; Guimarães, Marcelo R. ; Bromberg Elke ; Franke, Silvia, I.R ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; SCHRÖDER, N. . Desferoxamine reverses neonatal iron-induced recognition memory impairment in rats.. European Journal of Pharmacology, v. 570, p. 111-114, 2007.
  • 43- LOVAT C L ; ZORZI, P. M. ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. . Uso de proteses penianas em homens com disfuncao eretil. Revista de Ciências Médicas da Universidade de Caxias do Sul e da Associação Médica de Caxias do Sul, v. 5, p. 10-12, 2007.
  • 44- LUCHESE, L. ; GARCEZ, M. E. S. ; SALVADOR, M. ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin ; PASQUALOTTO, Fábio Firmbach . A influencia das especies reativas de oxigenio na infertilidade masculina.. Reprodução & Climatério, v. 22, p. 7-14, 2007.
  • 45- LUCHESE, Leticia ; GARCEZ, Marcia ; SALVADOR, Mirian ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. . A influencia das especies reativas de oxigenio na infertilidade masculina. Reprodução e Climatério, Sao Paulo, v. 22, p. 7-14, 2007.
  • 46- LUCON, M. ; LUCON, Antonio Marmo ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; SROUGI, M. . Paternity after vasectomy with two previous semen analyses without spermatozoa. São Paulo Medical Journal, v. 125, p. 122-123, 2007.
  • 47- MADASCHI, Camila ; BRAGA, Daniela Paes de Almeida Ferreira ; RODRIGUES, Debora ; BONETTI, Tatiana Carvalho de Souza ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; IACONELLI JR, Assumpto ; BORGES JR, Edson . Spindle imaging: a marker for embryo development and implantation. Fertility and Sterility, Birmigham, 2007.
  • 48- MARTINATI J,C, ; LACAVA, P T ; S.K.S., M. ; AZEVEDO, J. L. ; TSAI, S M . Redução dos sintomas causados pela Xylella fastidiosa subsp. Pauca por meio de aplicação de benzotiadizole e silício. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, v. 42, p. 1083-1089, 2007.
  • 49- MIOTTO, Greice Ballardin ; TESSARO, Simone ; Rotta GA ; BONATTO, D. . In silico analyses of Fsf1 sequences, a new group of fungal proteins orthologous to the metazoan sideroblastic anemia-related sideroflexin family. Fungal Genetics and Biology, v. 44, p. 740-753, 2007.
  • 50- MITTEREGGER JÚNIOR, Horst ; SILVA, Juliana da ; ARENZON, Alexandre ; PORTELA, Carina Saraiva ; FERREIRA, Isabel Cristina Fernandes de Sá ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Evaluation of genotoxicity and toxicity of water and sediment samples from a Brazilian stream influenced by tannery industries.. Chemosphere (Oxford ), v. 67, p. 1211-1217, 2007.
  • 51- MOSSI, Altemir J ; CANSIAN, Rogerio Luis ; LEONTIEVORLOV, Oleg ; Zanin, E.M. ; OLIVEIRA, C.H. ; CECHET, M.L. ; CARVALHO, M.L. ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Intra and inter populational genetic variability in Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reiss. 1861, through RAPD markers. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v. 67, p. 957-961, 2007.
  • 52- MOURA, Dinara J ; RICHTER, M. F. ; BOEIRA, Jane Marlei ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; SAFFI, Jenifer . Antioxidant properties of B-carboline alkaloids are related to their antimutagenic and antigenotoxic activities.. Mutagenesis, v. 22, p. 293-302, 2007.
  • 53- MUNARI, Fernanda Mosena ; GAIO, Tamara Aparecida ; CALLONI, Raquel ; DILLON, Aldo José Pinheiro . Decolorization of textile dyes by enzymatic extract and submerged cultures of Pleurotus sajor-caju. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, v. 00, p. 00-000, 2007.
  • 54- MUNARI, Fernanda Mosena ; GAIO, Tamara Aparecida ; DILLON, Aldo José Pinheiro . Phenol degradation and colour removal in submerged culture of Pleurotus sajor-caju with paper mill effluents. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, Londres - Inglaterra, v. 25, p. 24-28, 2007.
  • 55- OLIVEIRA, Iuri Marques de ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; BONATTO, Diego . In silico identification of a new group of specific bacterial and fungal nitroreductases-like proteins. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, v. 355, p. 919-925, 2007.
  • 56- OLIVEIRA, O. L. ; PASQUALOTTO, F. F. . Fatores preditivos para o encontro de espermatozoides na biopsia de testiculo de pacientes com azoospermia nao obstrutiva. Urologia Contemporânea, v. 13, p. 305-310, 2007.
  • 57- PACHECO, M F ; ZENI, M. ; ZATTERA, Ademir J ; CRESPO, Janaína da Silva ; FIORIO, Rudimar . Efeito da Concentraçäo de Segmentos Rígidos nas Propriedades Fisico-mecânicas, Químicas ena Morfologia de Elastômeros Microcelulares de Poliuretano. Polímeros, v. 17, p. 234-239, 2007.
  • 58- PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; FIEDLER, Gustavo ; TONETTO, Luciana Luchese ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin . Infertilidade masculina causada por medicamentos. Reprodução & Climatério, v. 22, p. 142-146, 2007.
  • 59- PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin . Reassessing the value of varicocelectomy as a treatment for male subfertility with a new meta-analysis. Fertility and Sterility, v. 88, p. 1710-1711, 2007.
  • 60- PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin . Sperm forward motion and age.. Human Reproduction, Cambridge, v. 22, p. 2072-2073, 2007. PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin . Reversao de vasectomia versus fertilizacao in vitro. Sociedad Iberoamericana de Informacion Cientifica, Argentina, 2007.
  • 61- PASQUALOTTO, F. F. . Investigação e Reprodução assistida no tratamento da infertilidade masculina. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Sao Paulo, v. 29, n. 2, p. 103-112, 2007.
  • 62- PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; SUNDARAN, Arjun ; SHARMA, Rakesh Kumar ; BORGES JR, Edson ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin ; AGARWAL, Ashok . Semen Quality and Oxidative Stress Scores in Fertile and Infertile Patients with Varicocele . Fertility and Sterility, Birmighan, 2007
  • 63- PASQUALOTTO, F. F. . Semen analysis: role of age and varicocele. J Postgrad Med, India, v. 53, n. 1, p. 1-2, 2007.
  • 64- PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin . Is there a special subgroup of males with adult-onset idiopathic hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism who may respond with increases in sperm concentration after clomiphene citrate?. Fertility and Sterility, v. 88, p. 249-250, 2007.
  • 65- PASQUALOTTO, F. F. ; PASQUALOTTO, Eleonora Bedin . Reactive Oxygen Species and Oocyte Fertilization. Human Reproduction, Inglaterra, v. 22, n. 3, p. 901-903, 2007.
  • 66- PEDRUZZI, Israel ; MALVESSI, Eloane ; Mata, V.G. ; Silva, E.A.B. ; SILVEIRA, M. M. ; RODRIGUES, A. E. . Quantification of lactobionic acid and sorbitol from enzymatic reaction of fructose and lactose by high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography, v. 1145, p. 128-132, 2007.
  • 67- POTRICH, A. L. ; TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá ; FINOTTI, Alexandra Rodrigues . Avaliação de impactos ambientais como ferramenta de gestão ambiental aplicada aos resíduos sólidos do setor de pintura de uma indústria automotiva. Estudos Tecnológicos em Engenharia, v. 3, p. 162-175, 2007.
  • 68- PRÁ, Daniel ; FRANKE, Silvia Izabel Reck ; Giulian R. ; YONEAMA, M L ; DIAS, J F ; ERDTMANN, Bernardo ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Genotoxicity and mutagenicity of iron and copper in mice. (in press). BioMetals (Oxford), v. 00, p. 00-01, 2007.
  • 69- RIBEIRO, Luciana ; ANDREAZZA, Ana Cristina ; SALVADOR, M. ; Silveira, Themis Reverbel da ; Vieira, Sandra ; Nora, Daniel Bocchese ; Bosa, Cleonice ; Di Napoli, Francesca ; Schaf, Débora Vigevani ; Souza, Diogo Onofre ; Portela, Luis Valmor Cruz ; KAPCZINSKI, Flávio . Oxidative stress and S100B protein in cirrhotic children. Neurochemical Research, v. x, p. 1-4, 2007.
  • 70- ROSA, Renato Moreira ; MOURA, Dinara J ; Silva a.c.r. ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Antioxidant activity of diphenyl diselenide prevents the genotoxicity of several mutagens in chinese hamster V79 cells.. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 631, p. 44-54, 2007.
  • 71- ROSA, Renato Moreira ; ROESLER, Rafael ; BRAGA, Antonio Luiz ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Phamacology and toxicology of diphenyl diselenide in several biological models.. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, v. 40, p. 1287-1304, 2007.
  • 72- ROSA, Renato Moreira ; MOURA, Dinara J ; Melecchi, M.I.S. ; santos rafael santos dos ; RICHTER, M. F. ; camarão, Elina ; RAMOS, Ana Lígia de Paula ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; SAFFI, Jenifer . Protective effects of Hibiscus tiliaceus L. methanolic extract to V79 cells against cytotoxicity and genotoxicity induced by hydrogen peroxide and tert-butyl hydroperoxide.. Toxicology in Vitro, v. 21, p. 1442-1452, 2007.
  • 73- ROSA, Renato Moreira ; HOCH, Nicolas Carlos ; Furtado, Gabriel V ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . DNA Damage in tissues and organs of mice treated with diphenyl diselenide.. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 633, p. 35-45, 2007.
  • 74- ROSA, Renato Moreira ; PICADA, Jaqueline Nascimento ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Cytotoxic, genotoxic, and mutagenic effects of diphenyl diselenide in chinese hamster lung fibroblasts.. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 628, p. 87-98, 2007.
  • 75- ROSADO, Joemerson Osorio ; SALVADOR, M. ; BONATTO, Diego . Importance of the trans-sulfuration pathway in cancer prevention. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, v. 301, p. 1-12, 2007.
  • 76- CARRER, R. P.; VANDERLINDE, R. ; DUTRA, Sandra Valduga ; MARCON, A. ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, S. . Essencial oil variation among Brazilian accessions of Salvia guaranitica L.. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, v. 22, p. 430-434, 2007.
  • 77- SALVADOR, Mirian ; Bordin D L ; ANDREAZZA, A. C. ; SILVA, J. ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; ERDTMANN, B. . Determination of oxidative stress markers and serum cholinesterase among pesticide sprinklers in southern Brasil (in press). Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, v. 00, p. 00-01, 2007.
  • 78- SANDRI, I. G. ; ZACARIA, J. ; FRACARO, F. ; DELAMARE, Ana Paula Longaray ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of Brazilian species of the genus Cunila against food borne pathogens and spoiling bacteria. Food Chemistry, v. 103, p. 823-828, 2007.
  • 79- SANDRI, I. G. ; ZACARIA, Jucimar ; FRACARO, Fernando ; DELAMARE, A. P. L. ; ECHEVERRIGARAY, Sergio . Antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of Brazilian species of the genus Cunila against foodborne pathogens and spoiling bacteria. Food Chemistry, v. 103, p. 823-828, 2007.
  • 80- SOARES, Daniele Grazziotin ; escargueil, alexandre e. ; poindessous, virginie ; sarasin, alain ; gramont, aimery ; BONATTO, Diego ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; larsen, anette k. . Replication and homologous recombination repair regulate DNA double strand break formation by the antitumor alkylator ecteinascidin 743. (in press). PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v. 104, p. 13062-13067, 2007.
  • 81- STRAUSS, Martin ; GREY, M. ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; BRENDEL, Martin . RNR4 mutant alleles pso3-1 and rnr4 block induced mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.. Current Genetics, v. 51, p. 221-231, 2007.
  • 82- TIEPPO J ; vercelino r ; dias a s ; VAZ, M. F. S. ; silveira t r ; marroni c a ; marroni n p ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; PICADA, J. N. . Evaluation of the protective effects of quercetin in the hepatoplmonary syndrome.. Food and Chemical Toxicology, v. 45, p. 1140-1146, 2007.
  • 83- VASCONCELLOS, Marne ; ROSA, Renato Moreira ; MACHADO, M. S. ; VILLELA, Izabel Vianna ; CROTTI, Antonio Eduardo Miller ; Lopes, joão L ; PESSOA, Cláudia Do Ó ; MORAES FILHO, Manoel Odorico ; Lopes, norberto P ; COSTALOTUFO, Letícia Veras ; SAFFI, Jenifer ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. . Genotoxicity of 15-deoxygoyazensolide in bacteria and yeast.. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 631, p. 16-25, 2007.
  • 84- VILLELA, Izabel Vianna ; OLIVEIRA, Iuri Marques de ; SILVEIRA, Juliano ; DIAS, Johnny Ferras ; HENRIQUES, J. A. P. ; SILVA, J. . Assessment of environmental stress by the micronucleus and comet assays on Limnoperna fortunei exposed to Guaíba hydrographic region samples (Brazil) under laboratory conditions.. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, v. 628, p. 76-86, 2007.
  • 85- ZENI, M. ; RIVERSO, Raul ; SOUZA, Jadison F de ; MELLO, Katia ; Carla Meireles ; Rodrigues, G.F. . Morphological Analysis of Porous Polyamide 6.6 Membranes prepared by Phase Inversion. Desalination (Amsterdam), v. 284, p. 1-4, 2007.
  • 86- ZENI, M. ; ALMEIDA, Marcelo Giusti ; DEMORI, Renan ; ZATTERA, Ademir José . Mechanical properties of foams comprising virgin and waste polyethylene. Polymer Bulletin (Berlin), v. 59, p. 677-683, 2007.