Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciencias da Saude

Academic Master's and Doctorate Degree in Health Sciences

The University of Caxias do Sul pioneered the implementation of undergraduate courses in the field of health, in the northeast region of Rio Grande do Sul, and has an acknowledged tradition in the field of Medicine, Nursing, Physical Education, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy. Recently, having opened new degree courses such as Radiology, Nutrition, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine, combined with a regular number of specialization and MBA courses, the University has consolidated its role in training health care professionals.

The implementation of the Graduate Program in Health Sciences, in 2016, with the beginning of activities of the Academic Master's Degree, approved and recommended by CAPES, the Coordinating Agency for the Improvement of Personnel in Higher Education, which awarded it 4 points in the classification of academic quality, confirms the intention of continuing the University commitment to:

  • Produce scientific knowledge and consolidate research by training researchers, teachers, and other professionals to work in the field of health, having interdisciplinarity as methodological reference.
  • Form critical and reflective professionals, capable of intervening in the reality and producing specific knowledge, in order to supply the demands of people and vocational training courses in this area.

The Program seeks greater integration between graduation and post-graduation, encouraging a culture of learning and the dissemination of knowledge, with the expansion of the spectrum of intra and inter-institutional relations on a national and international level. Thus, the aim is to develop, in undergraduate and graduate students, a critical and reflective spirit, and the ability to solve technical and scientific problems.

In 2018 the Program proposed the implementation of a Doctorate course in this field to the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES, and was approved.

Concentration Areas and Lines of Research

Biomedical Science

Dedicated to studying the conceptual and methodological research base as a tool to study the pathophysiology and pathogenesis of diseases as well as to investigate exposure and molecular and cellular responses to active substances, aggression, stimulation and biomaterials.

Lines of Research

The research projects belonging to this line are related to the study of different tissue injuries, prognostic biological markers and treatment and new possibilities of pharmacological treatment. The pathologic phenomena are investigated by the most modern molecular biology, immunohistochemistry and genetics techniques. The research projects belonging to this research line are:

  • Biomarkers and treatment of spine and spinal cord diseases: It seeks to establish strategies for the detection of biomarkers of disease progression and prognosis of diseases of the spine and spinal cord. It also studies the different forms of treatment to repair spinal cord injury and degenerative disc disease in the spine.
    Researcher: Asdrubal Falavigna.
  • Iohexol clearance for the determination of glomerular filtration rate: This research project aims to measure the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), using iohexol clearance, through a semi-automatic iohexol determination method in human serum of patients who underwent elective computed tomography with iohexol. This technique will be compared to liquid chromatography with electro-spray ionization (ESI) versus the tandem mass spectrometry technique (LC-MS/MS).
    Researchers: Luciano da Silva Selistre and Sidnei Moura e Silva.
  • Pharmacology of new natural and synthetic substances: Analyzes synthetic bioactive substances and synthetic analogues of natural products.
    Researchers: Leandro Tasso and Sidnei Moura e Silva.
  • Therapeutic proposals in psychiatric disorders: This research project aims to study the molecular mechanisms involved in pharmacological resistance and to present new therapeutic proposals to improve the rate of symptom remission in psychiatric disorders.
    Researchers: Rafael Colombo and Asdrubal Falavigna.

These research projects use engineering techniques to form polymers to deliver cells and medication and for cell repair by transplanting cells and tissue. The research projects belonging to this research line are:

  • Cell repair in spine and spinal cord diseases: Studies the role of cell therapy in degenerative spine diseases, as well as pathology of spinal cord injury, with and without the use of delivery systems and controlled release using polymers as biomaterials.
    Researcher: Asdrubal Falavigna.
  • Evaluation of effectiveness of manual and automatic in vitro reprocessing used in renal replacement therapy dialyzers: Aims to estimate the reprocessing dialyzers effectiveness and safety by manual and automoted in vitro method.
    Researchers: Luciano da Silva Selistre and Leandro Tasso

The research projects belonging to this line study the synthesis, processing and characterization of materials to apply in the field of health.

The projects involving this line of research are described below:

  • Development and applications of biomaterials for medical sciences: The purpose of this project is to synthetize, process and characterize materials to apply in the field of health, including biocompatible and bioinert ceramics (for instance, hydroxyapatite, alumina, zirkonia), the shaping of biocompatible and bioinert ceramics in complex forms by barbotin collage and low pressure injection, the synthesis and characterization of polymers, hydrogels and composites and nanomaterials for biomedical applications and protective coatings.
    Researchers: Janete Eunice Zorzi and Cláudio Antônio Perottoni.

Clinical Sciences

Focused on teaching conceptual bases of the different types of clinical and epidemiological studies to test, develop and improve diagnostic methods, procedures, measuring instruments, education, information and intelligent tutoring in health systems.

Studies the epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and therapy of the most prevalent diseases in the adult or elderly population health and their impact on cost-utility evaluation.The pathophysiology of phenomena resulting from the natural or pathological evolution of life is studied in an interdisciplinary manner using molecular biology capabilities, biochemistry and pharmacotherapy. The research projects belonging to this research line are:

  • Valuation of the treatment of spinal diseases: Studies the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility on diseases affecting the spine and / or spinal cord.
    Researcher: Asdrubal Falavigna
  • Real measure of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in patients undergoing chemotherapy: Aims to evaluate the glomerular filtration rate evolution in elderly patients undergoing chemotherapy. The measurement of GFR from the pre-chemotherapy period is extremely important in cancer patients, since approximately 50% of antineoplastic drugs are excreted by the kidneys.
    Researchers: Luciano da Silva Selistre and Leandro Tasso
  • Pharmacoeconomics and epidemiology of infections: Studies the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility relation of antimicrobials in infections associated with health care, as well as vaccines in the prevention of infectious diseases. It also aims to identify the bacteria resistance profile at different sites of infection and to analyze the risk factors for infections by multidrug-resistant bacteria in hospitalized patients.
    Researchers: Lessandra Michelim Rodriguez Nunes Vieira and Vandrea Carla de Souza
  • Clinical pharmacology and pharmacovigilance: Seeks to evaluate the factors related to success or failure of pharmacological treatment regimens, as well as drug- related safety, adverse effects and morbidity.
    Researchers: Leandro Tasso and Lessandra Michelim Rodriguez Nunes Vieira
  • Prognostic factors and treatment of breast and cervical tumors: Studies predictive markers of breast and cervical cancer, aiming to define the most appropriate treatment according to their immunological and molecular diagnosis.
    Researcher: Fabio Firmbach Pasqualotto
  • The relation between pesticides and reproductive disorders: Evaluates the exposure to pesticides in adults living in rural areas in the state of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil and the possible impacts of this exposure on sex hormone levels in men and quality of semen in young and adult men.
    Researcher: Fabio Firmbach Pasqualotto
  • Radiology and Imaging diagnosis: This project covers the study of practices applied to Health, involving the aspects of physics annd radiological protection, ensuring images, performing studies turned toward teaching-learning and analysis by imaging of the maxillo-facial complex, including interventionist radiological procedures for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

This research line studies the variables related to gestation, growth and development of fetus and newborn, as well as the child's wellbeing. Besides, according to epidemiology, an analysis is performed of risk factors contributing to the onset or worsening of diseases, mother - child transmission of disease, the treatment to be established in this group of patients and its peculiarities, as well as the impact on cost and quality of life of pregnant women, newborns and children. The research projects belonging to this research line are:

  • The relation between prematurity and the glomerular filtration rate in primary hypertensive pregnant women: Evaluates the risk of renal function alteration in hypertensive pregnant women by measuring glomerular filtration.
    Researchers: Vandrea Carla de Souza and José Mauro Madi.
  • Asthma prevalence and impact in school children in industrialized urban zone: Analyzes the impact, prevalence and degree of asthma control in schoolchildren using specific questionnaires to evaluate the quality of life of asthmatics, and skin and lung function tests, besides tests on exposure to pollutants.
    Researchers: Emerson Rodrigues da Silva and Sidnei Moura e Silva.
  • Study of amniotic fluid, placenta, umbilical cord and attachments in different clinical situations that may alter fetal vitality: Analyzes the importance of different interfaces involved in uteroplacental and fetal-placental circulation, according to the pathophysiology involved in different clinical situations, and correlates them with different blood lead levels and other heavy metals.
    Researchers: José Mauro Madi and Emerson Rodrigues da Silva.
  • Infectious diseases and their relations with fetal vitality: Studies the clinical and laboratory diagnosis, treatment and consequences of different infectious states, such as HIV, HPV, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B and C and syphilis on the mother-infant binomial. Also studies interrelationships between infectious states and the aminiotic fluid.
    Researchers: José Mauro Madi and Lessandra Michelim Rodriguez Nunes Vieira.
  • Clinical diseases in obstetrical practice, congenital malformations and neonatal repercussions: Performs the epidemiological analysis of different groups of pregnant women with major medical conditions and congenital malformations and their effects on the offspring involved, as well as maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality.
    Researchers: José Mauro Madi and Rosa Maria Rahmi Garcia.
  • Effects of environmental exposure on cognitive delay and children's problems at school: Examines the association between serum levels of lead and learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity in school children.
    Researchers: Emerson Rodrigues da Silva and Leandro Tasso.

The researchers in this line of research work on projects that use computational tools based on artificial intelligence to help the interpretation, diagnosis, prognosis and planning of algorithms for decision making in health sciences, and also for pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) modeling, for the posological optimization of medications.

  • Artificial intelligence and computer simulation applied to health sciences: The purpose of the project is to develop computational tools based on artificial intelligence to help interpretation and diagnosis by images, early diagnosis in mental health and other fields of interest in medical sciences. This project also covers the elaboration of mathematical models, computer simulation of physiological systems and the elaboration of algorithms for optimization to support decision making.
    Researchers: Cláudio Antônio Perottoni and Leandro Luís Corso.
  • PK-PD Modeling of antimicrobials: Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) modeling is an innovative approach that helps rationalize the development of a new molecule and helps make important decisions, such as for instance in designing the ideal dosage regime. The application of PK/PD models is related to simulation and forecasting of effects, a pharmacodynamic measure, as well as to the optimization of posologies by intersecting pharmacokinetic parameters and those that have pharmacodynamic properties. The comparison of bacterial death curves (time kill curves) of the antimicrobials in relation to different bacterial strains and models of infection in vivo, or of different antimicrobials in the face of the same bacteria allows the determination of PK/PD parameters such as EC50 (concentration needed for 50% of the maximum effect) and Kmax (maximum velocity of bacterial death). These parameters are important, not only to describe the effect of each antimicrobial and compare the effects of different pharmaceuticals, but also to peform simulations of posologies that are not investigated in clinical work, enabling the comparison of the antibacterial efficacy of different molecules and dosage regimes, optimizing the treatments in a rational manner.
    Researcher: Leandro Tasso.

Target Audience

Graduates of higher education courses in Health Sciences, Life Sciences, Economics and Exact Sciences


  • Pharmacology and Physiology Laboratory.
  • Cell Therapy Laboratory.
  • Natural and Synthetic Biotechnology Products Laboratory and Analytical Center's Biotechnology Institute.
  • HIV/AIDS Research Laboratory.
  • Rheology Laboratory.
  • Central Microscopy Laboratory.
  • Materials Characterisation Laboratory.
  • Central Outpatient Clinic Laboratory and Hospital Geral of Caxias do Sul.
  • Conception Laboratory (business partner).

Profile of graduates of the Master's and Doctorate degree in Health Sciences

It establishes the goal of graduating Doctors who are qualified to work as teachers and high level researchers, with autonomous learning, enabling them to improve their skills. The training is necessary to systematize, innovate and generate technical-scientific knowledge in the field of basic and clinical research, to seek positive repercussions on the quality of human life.

At the end of the Doctorate degree in Health Sciences, the professional who bears the title of Doctors should be able to:

  • Based on their interests, they should be able to further research the central topic on Health, with a solid theoretical interdisciplinary base;.
  • Appropriate scientific knowledge, that allows them to evaluate the different professional performance situations and to develop strategies that result in improvements and changes in population health;
  • Act efficiently as an agent of social change, able to better insert themselves into the communities, joining solid knowledge with a capacity of critical and reflexive professional performance;
  • Conceive, formulate and implement health actions and policies as well as being capable of developing research applied to concrete problem-solving in different fields, in a perspective integrating knowledge, actions, attitudes and procedures;
  • Deal with constant technological changes, exploring creativity and critical reasoning in their professional performance; and
  • Execute research projects, based on ethical principles, scientific methodology, epidemiology and statistics

Selection Process

The selection process to enter the Master's and Doctorate in Health Sciences will be held annually, and the number of places in each process will be 12 students for the Master's degree and 16 students for Doctorate one, as per the specific notice issued by the Vice-Presidency of Research and Graduate Studies.

In order to acquire the title of Master in Health Sciences at least 24 credits will be required, 16 of them in mandatory subjects and the 8 others in elective subjects, English language proficiency, submitting an article for publication to a scientific journal, and defending a dissertation. The subjects with a similar content and workload, offered in this program and in others may be shared. There is also the possibility of accepting equivalent credits taken at other universities. A committee, appointed by the Program's Collegial Body, must evaluate the proposal for subject equivalence.

In order to acquire the title of Doctorate in Health Sciences is necessary:
(1) at least 36 credits will be required, 16 of them in mandatory subjects and the 20 others in elective subjects;
(2) two languages proficiency and, one of them, need necessary be the English language;
(3) submit to the examination to qualify the Thesis in up to six months before they defend it, through presentation of the partial results of their work to the Examining Committee.
(4) to present proof of the submission of two articles for publication in an indexed journal that is classified at least as QUALIS level A2, containing results included in the final paper;
(5) to be enrolled in the course for 2 years at least, or for 4.5 years at most;
(6) defending the Thesis dissertation.
The scientific article, together with the proof of submission, must be accompanied by the full thesis to be presented and defended in a public session. The members of the Jury will be three professors with the title of Doctor, at least one from another institution of higher education.
The student who has obtained all the credits but has not defended the thesis may request a certificate of specialization, as long as they fulfill the appropriate legal requirements.

Graduate Program in Health Sciences

Bloco S - Main Campus of the University;
Coordinator: José Mauro Madi
Office Hours - Monday to Friday, from 8am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to 6 pm.