Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciencias da Saude

Curricular Structure



To be able to present the Master's Dissertation, the student must have obtained at least 24 credits - 16 in mandatory subjects and 8 credits in elective ones. For the 30 credits in elective subjects offered by the Program, the student must choose 8 credits that must be related to its concentration area, line and studies research project.

Evaluation Criteria

In order to pass a subject, seminar other academic activity developed by the program, including the Dissertation, students must obtain a grade greater than or equal to 7, corresponding to concept 2, and also, having attended at least, 75% of the activities in the program. The subject's respective teacher, based on the program content and the developed project, will develop the student achievement assessment, in each subject.

The student must apply for the dissertation's qualification exam, in six months before the defense session, by presenting the main results of their work to the Examining Committee. The final approval depends on the (1) defense and approval of the dissertation; (2) being registered in the program for, at least one year and maximum two and a half years; and (3) submitting proof of an article for publication in the journal indexed at least at the QUALIS classification level A2 containing results included in the work completion.

Obligatory Subjects

  • Professor: Vandrea Carla de Souza
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: Definition and uses of epidemiology. Overview of epidemiology and its uses in clinical practice and in research. Descriptive and association measures. Summary on research designs used in the field of health. Elements for a critical reading of scientific articles. Epidemiology applied to diagnostic investigation. Elements of evidence-based medicine. Analysis of the problems related to the determinants of the health-disease process and its applicability in clinical practice, diagnostic investigation and research, based on the fundamentals of epidemiology applied to scientific methodology.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: Learning the principles of human behavior, from an ethical point of view, in order to improve the knowledge of the laws of different codes of ethics, laws and national and international recommendations that are related to research in humans or animals. Discussion of advanced health topics which include among others: genetic engineering, stem cell manipulation, organ transplantation, pregnancy termination and treatment of terminally ill patients. Describe the operation and responsibilities of Bioethics and Research Ethics Committees.
  • Professors: Leandro Tasso and Emerson Rodrigues da Silva.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: Definition of scientific research. Analysis of concepts of informatics in health. quality of information in the field of health. Internet usage for database queries and searching for scientific articles. Use of applicatons for bibliography management and the creation of a database, preparation, presentation and description of proposals for scientific papers, presenting adequate arguments consistent with the principles of scientific methodology.
  • Professor: Asdrubal Falavigna and Fábio Firmbach Pasqualotto.
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: Importance of developing critical reasoning, difference between quantitative and qualitative research, the different types of clinical studies, medical elements based on evidence, the development of the idea and of the question, using PICOT. Structuring research projects, testing the hypothesis and study limitations, the Ethics Committee approval and preparation of informed consent, funding, structure and content of clinical studies, problems encountered in conducting the scientific study, how to improve the presentation of the work and provide methodological guidelines for understanding and writing abstracts, posters and papers aimed at adaptation to the most important international standards and principles.
  • Professors: Lessandra Michelim Rodriguez Nunes Vieira and Emerson Rodrigues da Silva.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: The subject aims to equip students for teaching practice, from a theoretical and practical point of view, from planning a discipline to evaluation and strategic decision-making. Discussion of basic concepts of theory of education, the development of a political-pedagogical project and curriculum, the selection of content, lesson planning and knowledge construction techniques, assessment strategies (technical and planning). Other aspects discussed will be teaching techniques applied to education in the field of health, technologies in the teaching-learning process, curriculum integration and the National Guidelines for courses in the field of health.
  • Professor: Luciano da Silva Selistre.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: Understanding and interpreting biological phenomena based on descriptive statistics. Appropriate choice of statistical tests in different clinical research designs. Seeks to determine the sample and its importance to final results analysis; evaluation of sample size; proper presentation of scientific work results and frequency distribution. Dispersion and central tendency measures. Normal distribution curve. Probability notions. Significance tests for means and proportions. Correlation and linear regression. Morbidity and mortality measures. Direct and indirect standardization. Analysis of the problems related to process determinants of health-disease and their applicability in clinical practice, diagnostic investigation and research, based on the fundamentals of epidemiology applied to the scientific methodology.

Elective Subjects

The elective subjects allow the student to become involved with concentration areas and research lines. The theoretical base of Biomedical Sciences comprises the following elective subjects: Inflammation and remodeling in Invertebrate Disc Disease and Spinal Cord, Topics in Polymer Applications in Biomedical Sciences, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Substances in Biological Samples, Applied Analytical Methods; and Clinical Pharmacology. The specialization in Clinical Sciences is based on the following subjects: Senescence / Senility in Cardiovascular and Kidney Diseases, Risk Factors of Diseases, Human Growth and Development, Maternal and Perinatal Health, Management and Evaluation of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury, Economic Valuation Applied to Health; and Clinical Pharmacology.

  • Professor: Maria Carolina Rosa Gullo.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, avoided costs method, QALY Cost per quality-adjusted life year, contingent valuation, economic cost of treatments, economic cost of disease.
  • Professor:
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits);
  • Summary: natural and synthetic polymers have been used in numerous areas of science such as medicine, pharmacy, materials and others. Macromolecular behavior studies in solid state and solution flow conditions allow understanding numerous phenomena regarding the structure and properties of polymeric materials. This course will cover physical, chemical, mechanical, viscoelastic surface biocompatibility of polymers and textile-related topics. It will also discuss important biomaterial classes, including silicones, hydrogels, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, polyurethanes, polyesters and biopolymers, such as collagen and silk.
  • Professor: Sidnei Moura e Silva.
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: Studies the main chemical analysis techniques using targeted equipment for chemical quality control, such as spectroscopy, chromatography and others. Characterization of separation methods. Analysis and interpretation of results. The goal is to understand the main spectroscopy and chromatography techniques and to evaluate their potential for research in different situations and, also, to distinguish the potential of each instrumental resource in solving case studies.
  • Professor: Rosa Maria Rahmi Garcia and José Mauro Madi.
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: Aims to understand the interface between the pregnant woman, fetus and newborn based on the contextualization of the biological, social and cultural determinants in the maternal and perinatal group. It will also identify the major causes of morbidity and mortality; discuss control programs and prevention and health promotion, Comprehension of guidelines for humanization of prenatal, delivery and postpartum care.
  • Professor: Leandro Tasso and Sidnei Moura e Silva.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: This subject discusses the quantification of substance in biological samples (liquid and tissue), based on methods currently used in laboratories for research, clinical tests or industry. The basic principles of quantification of substances in biological samples will be discussed, as well as the main chromatographic and spectrometric method, and others. Notions on validation of analytical methodology are also within the scope of the subject.
  • Professor: Asdrubal Falavigna, Sidnei Moura e Silva
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: Inflammatory process characterization, biochemical remodeling and the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in clinical conditions. Remodeling process description, following cell and tissue destruction, correlating this process to growth factor actions, the function of the extracellular matrix, angiogenesis and the role of stem cells
  • Professor: Leandro Tasso and Lessandra Michelim Rodriguez Nunes Vieira.
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: clinical pharmacology education, with emphasis on the time course of drug effect; Clinical pharmacokinetics and data analysis; dosage regimens and variability of response to the drug; in addition to monitoring therapeutic concentration principles. Special situations in clinical pharmacology. Pharmacovigilance of drugs and vaccines. Pharmacoeconomics.Study pf antimicrobials, their division into classes and their mode of action. Emerging Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in Gram-positive bacteria, in Gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, parasites and fungi. Phenotypic and molecular methods for detection of antimicrobials and molecular epidemiology resistance, applied to resistant pathogens screening. Antimicrobial resistance. Current worldwide overview of resistance to antimicrobials and strategies for the development of new antimicrobials. Rational use of antimicrobials and their practical application.
  • Professor: Rosa Maria Rahmi Garcia and Luciano da Silva Selistre.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
    Abridgment: Senescence / senility: concepts, differential diagnosis and implications for organs and systems, especially cardiovascular and renal. Analysis of the different theories that seek to explain cardiovascular and renal aging by senescence: Stochastics, signal transduction and regulation of cell proliferation, genetic mechanisms, association of environmental factors. Cardiovascular and kidney disease diagnostic methods in the elderly. Priority is given to the exposure of students to the critical reading of articles and the preparation of a research project on the above issues as an evaluation method.
  • Professor: Emerson Rodrigues da Silva and Vandrea Carla de Souza.
  • Workload: 30 houras (2 credits).
  • Summary: Understanding the childhood, adolescence, adulthood and senescence growth and development processes, under the expanded concepts of health and multifactorial origin of injuries from a global human development perspective. Recognizing physiological, cognitive, psychological and social senescence, including sexual senescence, with the periods of andropause and menopause
  • Professor: Rosa Maria Rahmi Garcia and Fabio Firmbach Paqualotto.
  • Workload: 60 houras (4 credits).
  • Summary: Critical study of the impact of risk factors on high-prevalence clinical, pediatric and surgical diseases. Evidence-based analysis, diagnostic criteria for major community impact diseases in these areas. Identification of risk factors prevalent in diseases and clinical studies.
  • Professor: Asdrubal Falavigna
  • Workload: 30 houras (2 credits).
  • Summary: Study of different forms of treatment of patients with spinal cord injuries and the use of different instruments to measure their clinical and radiological evolution.

To be able to present the Doctorate Thesis, the student must have obtained at least 36 credits - 16 in mandatory subjects and 20 credits in elective ones. For the 44 credits in elective subjects offered by the Program, the student must choose 20 credits that must be related to its concentration area, line and studies research project.

The subjects with a similar content and workload, offered in this program and in others may be shared. There is also the possibility of accepting equivalent credits taken at other universities. A committee, appointed by the Program's Collegial Body, must evaluate the proposal for subject equivalence.

Evaluation Criteria

In order to pass a subject, seminar other academic activity developed by the program, including the presentation of the Doctoral Thesis, students must obtain a grade greater than or equal to 7, corresponding to concept 2, and also, having attended at least, 75% of the activities in the program. The subject's respective teacher, based on the program content and the developed project, will develop the student achievement assessment, in each subject.

The student must apply for the Thesis qualification exam, in six months before the defense session, by presenting the main results of their work to the Examining Committee. The final approval depends on the (1) defense and approval of the dissertation; (2) being registered in the program for, at least two years and maximum four and a half years; and (3) submitting proof of an article for publication in the journal indexed at least at the QUALIS classification level A2 containing results included in the work completion.

Obligatory Subjects

  • Professor: Vandrea Carla de Souza
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: Definition and uses of epidemiology. Overview of epidemiology and its uses in clinical practice and in research. Descriptive and association measures. Summary on research designs used in the field of health. Elements for a critical reading of scientific articles. Epidemiology applied to diagnostic investigation. Elements of evidence-based medicine. Analysis of the problems related to the determinants of the health-disease process and its applicability in clinical practice, diagnostic investigation and research, based on the fundamentals of epidemiology applied to scientific methodology.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: Learning the principles of human behavior, from an ethical point of view, in order to improve the knowledge of the laws of different codes of ethics, laws and national and international recommendations that are related to research in humans or animals. Discussion of advanced health topics which include among others: genetic engineering, stem cell manipulation, organ transplantation, pregnancy termination and treatment of terminally ill patients. Describe the operation and responsibilities of Bioethics and Research Ethics Committees.
  • Professors: Leandro Tasso and Emerson Rodrigues da Silva.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: Definition of scientific research. Analysis of concepts of informatics in health. quality of information in the field of health. Internet usage for database queries and searching for scientific articles. Use of applicatons for bibliography management and the creation of a database, preparation, presentation and description of proposals for scientific papers, presenting adequate arguments consistent with the principles of scientific methodology.
  • Professor: Asdrubal Falavigna and Fábio Firmbach Pasqualotto.
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: Importance of developing critical reasoning, difference between quantitative and qualitative research, the different types of clinical studies, medical elements based on evidence, the development of the idea and of the question, using PICOT. Structuring research projects, testing the hypothesis and study limitations, the Ethics Committee approval and preparation of informed consent, funding, structure and content of clinical studies, problems encountered in conducting the scientific study, how to improve the presentation of the work and provide methodological guidelines for understanding and writing abstracts, posters and papers aimed at adaptation to the most important international standards and principles.
  • Professors: Lessandra Michelim Rodriguez Nunes Vieira and Emerson Rodrigues da Silva.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: The subject aims to equip students for teaching practice, from a theoretical and practical point of view, from planning a discipline to evaluation and strategic decision-making. Discussion of basic concepts of theory of education, the development of a political-pedagogical project and curriculum, the selection of content, lesson planning and knowledge construction techniques, assessment strategies (technical and planning). Other aspects discussed will be teaching techniques applied to education in the field of health, technologies in the teaching-learning process, curriculum integration and the National Guidelines for courses in the field of health.
  • Professor: Luciano da Silva Selistre.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: Understanding and interpreting biological phenomena based on descriptive statistics. Appropriate choice of statistical tests in different clinical research designs. Seeks to determine the sample and its importance to final results analysis; evaluation of sample size; proper presentation of scientific work results and frequency distribution. Dispersion and central tendency measures. Normal distribution curve. Probability notions. Significance tests for means and proportions. Correlation and linear regression. Morbidity and mortality measures. Direct and indirect standardization. Analysis of the problems related to process determinants of health-disease and their applicability in clinical practice, diagnostic investigation and research, based on the fundamentals of epidemiology applied to the scientific methodology.

Elective Subjects

The elective subjects allow the student to become involved with concentration areas and research lines. The theoretical base of Biomedical Sciences comprises the following elective subjects: Inflammation and remodeling in Invertebrate Disc Disease and Spinal Cord, Topics in Polymer Applications in Biomedical Sciences, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Substances in Biological Samples, Applied Analytical Methods; and Clinical Pharmacology. The specialization in Clinical Sciences is based on the following subjects: Senescence / Senility in Cardiovascular and Kidney Diseases, Risk Factors of Diseases, Human Growth and Development, Maternal and Perinatal Health, Management and Evaluation of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury, Economic Valuation Applied to Health; and Clinical Pharmacology.

  • Professor: Maria Carolina Rosa Gullo.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, avoided costs method, QALY Cost per quality-adjusted life year, contingent valuation, economic cost of treatments, economic cost of disease.
  • Professor:
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits);
  • Summary: natural and synthetic polymers have been used in numerous areas of science such as medicine, pharmacy, materials and others. Macromolecular behavior studies in solid state and solution flow conditions allow understanding numerous phenomena regarding the structure and properties of polymeric materials. This course will cover physical, chemical, mechanical, viscoelastic surface biocompatibility of polymers and textile-related topics. It will also discuss important biomaterial classes, including silicones, hydrogels, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, polyurethanes, polyesters and biopolymers, such as collagen and silk.
  • Professor: Sidnei Moura e Silva.
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: Studies the main chemical analysis techniques using targeted equipment for chemical quality control, such as spectroscopy, chromatography and others. Characterization of separation methods. Analysis and interpretation of results. The goal is to understand the main spectroscopy and chromatography techniques and to evaluate their potential for research in different situations and, also, to distinguish the potential of each instrumental resource in solving case studies.
  • Professor: Rosa Maria Rahmi Garcia and José Mauro Madi.
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: Aims to understand the interface between the pregnant woman, fetus and newborn based on the contextualization of the biological, social and cultural determinants in the maternal and perinatal group. It will also identify the major causes of morbidity and mortality; discuss control programs and prevention and health promotion, Comprehension of guidelines for humanization of prenatal, delivery and postpartum care.
  • Professor: Leandro Tasso and Sidnei Moura e Silva.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Summary: This subject discusses the quantification of substance in biological samples (liquid and tissue), based on methods currently used in laboratories for research, clinical tests or industry. The basic principles of quantification of substances in biological samples will be discussed, as well as the main chromatographic and spectrometric method, and others. Notions on validation of analytical methodology are also within the scope of the subject.
  • Professor: Asdrubal Falavigna, Sidnei Moura e Silva
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: Inflammatory process characterization, biochemical remodeling and the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in clinical conditions. Remodeling process description, following cell and tissue destruction, correlating this process to growth factor actions, the function of the extracellular matrix, angiogenesis and the role of stem cells
  • Professor: Leandro Tasso and Lessandra Michelim Rodriguez Nunes Vieira.
  • Workload: 60 hours (4 credits).
  • Summary: clinical pharmacology education, with emphasis on the time course of drug effect; Clinical pharmacokinetics and data analysis; dosage regimens and variability of response to the drug; in addition to monitoring therapeutic concentration principles. Special situations in clinical pharmacology. Pharmacovigilance of drugs and vaccines. Pharmacoeconomics.Study pf antimicrobials, their division into classes and their mode of action. Emerging Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in Gram-positive bacteria, in Gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, parasites and fungi. Phenotypic and molecular methods for detection of antimicrobials and molecular epidemiology resistance, applied to resistant pathogens screening. Antimicrobial resistance. Current worldwide overview of resistance to antimicrobials and strategies for the development of new antimicrobials. Rational use of antimicrobials and their practical application.
  • Professor: Rosa Maria Rahmi Garcia and Luciano da Silva Selistre.
  • Workload: 30 hours (2 credits).
  • Abridgment: Senescence / senility: concepts, differential diagnosis and implications for organs and systems, especially cardiovascular and renal. Analysis of the different theories that seek to explain cardiovascular and renal aging by senescence: Stochastics, signal transduction and regulation of cell proliferation, genetic mechanisms, association of environmental factors. Cardiovascular and kidney disease diagnostic methods in the elderly. Priority is given to the exposure of students to the critical reading of articles and the preparation of a research project on the above issues as an evaluation method.
  • Professor: Emerson Rodrigues da Silva and Vandrea Carla de Souza.
  • Workload: 30 houras (2 credits).
  • Summary: Understanding the childhood, adolescence, adulthood and senescence growth and development processes, under the expanded concepts of health and multifactorial origin of injuries from a global human development perspective. Recognizing physiological, cognitive, psychological and social senescence, including sexual senescence, with the periods of andropause and menopause
  • Professor: Rosa Maria Rahmi Garcia and Fabio Firmbach Paqualotto.
  • Workload: 60 houras (4 credits).
  • Summary: Critical study of the impact of risk factors on high-prevalence clinical, pediatric and surgical diseases. Evidence-based analysis, diagnostic criteria for major community impact diseases in these areas. Identification of risk factors prevalent in diseases and clinical studies.
  • Professor: Asdrubal Falavigna.
  • Workload: 30 houras (2 credits).
  • Summary: Study of different forms of treatment of patients with spinal cord injuries and the use of different instruments to measure their clinical and radiological evolution.
  • Professor: Asdrubal Falavigna and Daniel Marinowic
  • Workload: 30 houras (2 credits).
  • Summary: the rapid evolution of medical technology and the new conceptual thinking in the field of biology increased the need for specialization of the health care professionals in the field of cellular and molecular biology. The field of study of cellular molecular medicine is often referred to as "the medicine of tomorrow". The study of this innovative line of medicine aims to supply a molecular understanding of how the normal cellular processes fail or are destroyed by environmental insults and diseases. Mapping of the human genome and the discovery of the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) were breaks in the paradigm of the history of modern medicine. Knowledge and understanding of the molecules in the living organisms are advancing rapidly. Advanced technologies , such as high yield analyses (sequencing, microarray and proteomics), selective silencing of genes and the use of iPSC to understand the processes of embryonic development related to pathologies, enable us to understand and analyze thousands of genes and proteins simultaneously, supplying a completely new base to understand biological systems and generate new hypotheses regarding the importance of genes and proteins in different diseases besides generating platforms to test new therapeutic alternatives.
  • Professor: Claudio Perottoni and Janete Eunice Zorzi
  • Workload: 30 houras (2 credits).
  • Summary: To offer the graduate students an introduction to the development of biomaterials and their applications, highlighting the main concepts related to the applications in human health. Introduction to the scientific research in the field of biomaterials, main production techniques, shaping and characterization of materials, biocompatibility tests, evaluations in animals and clinical studies.
  • Content: Basic concepts of sciences of materials Science and application of metal, ceramic, polymer and composite biomaterials. Modifications of biomaterial surfaces Nanomaterials
  • Case studies: applications of biomaterials (cardiovascular, ophthalmology, dentistry, orthopedics).
  • Professor: Leandro Corso and Claudio Perottoni
  • Workload: 30 houras (2 credits).
  • Summary: To give the graduate students an opportunity to explore the different applications of computation to health sciences, by means of case studies and small projects, aiming to apply the concepts to problems of interest.
  • Content: elements of data analysis and experimental planning, data mining and applications of artificial intelligence, mathematical modeling and computer simulation.
  • Professor:
  • Workload: 30 houras (2 credits).
  • Summary: The discipline of Clinical Radiology through a theoretical-practical study aims to train the student in extra-oral radiographic techniques, approaching both conventional and digital systems, interpretation of radiographic images and also the analysis of advanced imaging systems such as Computed Tomography, Ultrasonography, Scintigraphy and Magnetic Resonance.
  • Professor: Rafael Colombo
  • Workload: 30 houras (2 credits).
  • Summary: The objective of the discipline is to help the students to understand the biochemical and physiological bases involved in unipolar depression. We shall focus on the etiology of the disease and pharmacological resistance, as well as on the influence of the genetic, epigenetic, molecular and environmental factors involved in the onset and progression of the disease.