Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Ciencias Ambientais

Professional Master's Degree in Engineering and Environmental Sciences

The Graduate Program in Engineering and Environmental Sciences - Professional Master's Degree was authorized by CAPES (Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination) in the 2nd half of 2011, within the area of Engineering I - Sanitary Engineering.

The "professional master's degree" according to CAPES norms grants the graduate the degree of "master in engineering" and guarantees the holder the same rights as the "academic master's degree". As a postgraduate training modality, the course was conceived by the bodies that regulate postgraduate education in the country, to encourage the training of qualified masters in the development of activities and technical-scientific work in topics of essentially technological interest.

The course implementation aims at qualifying human resources for the exercise of a transforming professional practice using environmentally correct procedures, aiming to meet social, organizational, or professional demands and those of the labor market in the environmental area. Additionally, it will support research, teaching, extension and innovation activities developed by the University of Caxias do Sul in the environmental area, contributing to the implementation of practices and policies aimed at sustainable regional and national development.

Concentration Area: Environmental Management and Technology

This area comprises the development of processes and methods in environmental management and technology based on a holistic conception in the way of studying and proposing solutions to the challenges imposed by the relationship between the environment and the activities of human society within the principles of sustainable development. Thus, in this integrated vision, the area includes studies and applied research that enable scientific and technological development in the areas of clean technology, pollution control systems and natural resources.

Objective of this line: Determine qualitatively and quantitatively the interactions between anthropogenic activities and the environment, in relation to classic chemical pollutants and emerging compounds using analytical chemistry, bioindicators and ecotoxicology tools, to establish cause-effect relationships.

Advising Professors

  • Lademir Luiz Beal

Objective of this line: Evaluate and develop technologies and their applications to reduce and transform waste both at the generating source and in "end-of-pipe" processes, prioritizing environmental protection, and obtaining energy and economically valuable compounds.

Advising Professors

  • Eloane Malvessi
  • Juliano Rodrigues Gimenez
  • Lademir Luiz Beal
  • Renata Cornelli
  • Suelen Osmarina Paesi

Objective of this line: Develop and apply management methods, both in production systems and in natural systems in the search for a sustainable relationship between man and the environment.

Advising Professors

  • Juliano Rodrigues Gimenez
  • Renata Cornelli
  • Suzana Maria De Conto

Target Audience

Professionals graduated in Engineering, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Administration, Economics and related areas, such as Management and Health.

Selection Process

The filling of 20 vacancies per year for the Master's will be carried out through a selection process regulated by a specific notice issued by the Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies.

Graduate Program in Engineering and Environmental Sciences

Coordinator: Vinício Cecconello
Secretary - E-mail: - Telephone - (54) 3218-2575
Campus-Headquarters - Block V - Room 302