Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Ciencias Ambientais

Curriculum Framework

Última modificação em 20/06/2024.

To obtain the title of Master in Engineering and Environmental Sciences, the student must complete 24 credits - 12 in mandatory disciplines and 12 in elective disciplines - as well as develop and present the final work, which corresponds to 10 credits.

Mandatory Disciplines

  • Professor: Rosane Lanzer
  • Hours: 30 class hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: The concept of ecosystems. Biogeochemical cycles and anthropic impact. Methods and indexes of environmental assessment and the use of bioindicators. Related environmental legislation.
  • Professor: Suzana Maria De Conto
  • Hours: 30 class hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Principles of Environmental Education. National Environmental Education Policy. National Curriculum Guidelines in Environmental Education. Formal, non-formal and informal Environmental Education. Environmental Education in planning processes and environmental management. Stages of elaboration of Environmental Education Programs. Aspects, principles and pedagogical strategies in Environmental Education.
  • Professor: Juliano Rodrigues Gimenez and Renata Cornelli
  • Hours: 60 class hours - 4 credits
  • Syllabus: Theoretical and instrumental framework of environmental planning aimed at territorial organization, environmental conservation and sustainable development. Planning methods and processes that address environmental systems, the historical evolution of human occupations, land use and environmental structures. Aspects of urban ecology that address socio-environmental sustainability within the scope of territorial organization. Articulation of the different spheres of municipal planning (environmental plan, development plan, sanitation plan). 2030 Schedule. Related environmental legislation.
  • Professor: Suzana Maria De Conto
  • Hours: 30 hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Science and Common Sense. Knowledge production stages: definition of the research problem; justification; hypotheses; goals; systematization of knowledge; method planning; obtainment, organization and interpretation of data. Socialization of knowledge. Scientific and colloquial language. Instruments and techniques for data collection. Research design. Sucupira Platform and Databases. Qualis Journals. Construction of Research Projects. Academic plagiarism. Ethics in Research.
  • Hours: 30 hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Deepening the study of the stages of knowledge production and applicability of research results in real contexts. The socialization of knowledge as an ethical and scientific commitment of the researcher.

Elective Disciplines

Research Line: Chemistry and Biomonitoring

  • Professor: Lademir Luiz Beal
  • Hours: 30 hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Chemical Equilibrium in Environmental Chemistry. Kinetics of chemical reactions. Atmospheric chemistry, the ozone layer, greenhouse effect and global warming. Water chemistry: metals, xenobiotics, pesticides and plasticizers. Related environmental legislation.
  • Hours: 30 class hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Environmental accidents. Dynamics of chemical substances in the environment and important processes for the toxicity of chemical compounds. Bioaccumulation, biotransformation and biomagnification. Bioindicators and biomarkers. Technical standards for "in vivo" and "in vitro" toxicity tests. Acute and chronic toxicity, ecotoxicity and genotoxicity tests. Related environmental legislation.
  • Professor: (Offered together with Biotechnology)
  • Hours: 60 class hours - 4 credits
  • Syllabus: Design of observational and experimental studies. Measurement scales and variables. Data description, measures of central tendency and dispersion, presentation in tables and graphs. Probability and probability distributions. Sampling fundamentals. Estimation and parametric hypothesis tests. Analysis of variance. Correlation and regression. Non-parametric tests. Fundamentals of multivariate statistics, cluster, discrimination, major components and correspondence analysis. Case Studies.

Research Line: Environmental Technology

  • Professor: (Offered together with Biotechnology)
  • Hours: 30 class hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Origins and generating sources. Classification. Prevention. Segregation. Packaging. Storage. Transport. Reuse. Treatment and Disposal. Life Cycle Analysis and Technological Routes. Waste minimization processes (source reduction, reuse, recycling, reverse logistics). Related environmental legislation.
  • Professor: Lademir Luiz Beal
  • Hours: 60 class hours - 4 credits
  • Syllabus: Main Water Quality Parameters; Introduction to Water and Effluent Treatment Processes; Coagulation; Flocculation; Sedimentation; Flotation; Filtration and Disinfection; Water and Effluent Treatment Oxidative Processes; Advanced Oxidative Processes; Adsorption; Ion Exchange; Membranes: Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration, Reverse Osmosis and Electrodialysis. Related environmental legislation.
  • Professor: Lademir Luiz Beal and Suelen Osmarina Paesi
  • Hours: 60 class hours - 4 credits
  • Syllabus: Anaerobic and aerobic effluent treatment processes: microbiology, activated sludge, anaerobic reactors, stabilization ponds. Related Environmental Legislation.
  • Professor: Renata Cornelli
  • Hours: 30 class hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Solidification, stabilization and inertization of waste processes, thermal processes (co-processing, incineration, pyrolysis and plasma) and biological treatment processes (composting/vermicomposting) and industrial and sanitary landfill. Recovery of contaminated areas. Related environmental legislation.
  • Professor: Lademir Luiz Beal
  • Hours: 30 class hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Reuse of water and effluents in urban, agricultural areas, aquifer recharge and industrial activities. Analysis of chemical, biological and physical characteristics for reuse. The concept of "Pinch" technology.

Research Line: Environmental Management

  • Hours: 30 class hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Relationship between health and environment. Historicity and evolution of the concept of environmental health. Environmental epidemiology. Environmental determinants of interest in health. Environmental health indicators. Environmental legislation. Diseases transmitted by soil, water, and air. Biochemical and metabolic pathway disturbances resulting from environmental and food contamination. Health education and its relations with environmental health. Socioenvironmental Responsibility.
  • Professor: (Offered together with Law)
  • Hours: 30 class hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Economic theories. Study of articulations and interconnections between environment and economy. Interpretation of the content, scope and implications of protecting the environment as a constitutional principle of economic activity. Analysis of the conditions, possibilities and limits of the use of law as a means of compatibility between economic development and environmental preservation.
  • Hours: 30 class hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Generating Sources of Health Services Waste; Resolutive legal instruments and norms guiding the management of Health Services Waste; Diagnosis and Characterization of Health Services Waste; Health Service Waste Management Stages; Risk potential inherent to Health Services Waste; Biosafety in health care; Permanent education programs; Environmental management systems in health care facilities; Evaluation of costs with the management of Health Services Waste.
  • Professor: Suzana Maria De Conto
  • Hours: 30 class hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Environmental Management System in Organizations. Environmental Management Instruments. Sustainability management in organizations. Sustainability Indicators. Environmental Strategies. Sustainable Production. Related environmental norms and legislation.
  • Hours: 30 class hours - 2 credits
  • Syllabus: Study of surface-water and groundwater hydrology. Analysis of extreme events. Hydrological Models; hydrological modeling. Related Environmental Legislation.