UCS International

Being aware of its task of forming competent citizens, UCS strengthens its image in the international scenery, enriching its partnerships and maintaining contact with institutions from 30 countries.

With over two hundred international cooperation agreements, UCS offers to its academic community the possibility to develop academic activities abroad such as the mobility program for undergraduate students, study trips, besides numerous activities in the context of international cooperation.

Supporting and offering those opportunities, UCS has been working, increasingly, to qualify its students, professors, researchers and staff, preparing them for the global labor market.


Function Name Telephone E-mail
Coordination Fabíola Carla Sartori +55 54 3218 2318 internacionais@ucs.br
Academic Mobility Ana Carolina Chies Perottoni +55 54 3218 2412 mobilidade1@ucs.br
Academic Mobility +55 54 3218-2318 mobilidade2@ucs.br
International Agreements Filipe Ferreira Streb +55 54 3218-2318 conveniosint@ucs.br

UCS Internacional

Cidade Universitária - Galeria de Serviços - Central de Atendimentos - Guichês de 15 a 17
Tel/Fax: +55 54 3218 2598 - internacionais@ucs.br